The beginning

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All men are not created equal. 

In this society, your quirk always mattered. The stronger or flashier quirk you have, the better status you have. I feel bad for those who are quirkless, must feel terrible to be placed dead last in the society. 

My name is Clay, I'm 14 years old and I'm one who is blessed with a quirk in this unfair society. My quirk is 'Speedrunner', or that's what I call it at least. In fact, it's actually called 'Maxed out'. Pretty lame name, I know. With this quirk, all my bodily functions has been enhanced to the peak of human efficiency. 

"Clay, you got another 100% for your test. Well done!" My teacher congratulated as he passed me my test sheet. 

"Yeah... Thanks." I replied. 

"Ever thought about enrolling in a hero course? With your grades, you should be able to get in without any trouble at all." The teacher suggested, which peaked my interest a little. However, it was just a little.

"I... never thought about that." I replied. 

"Ah, you should give it a thought." The teacher said, I nodded as a response and headed back to my seat. 

After sitting down, the teacher brought out a big pile of papers out of nowhere and slammed them on his desk. 

"Now, all of you are now third years in this Junior High... So it's time to plan ahead and think about what you want to do in the future." The teacher said in a stern voice. 

"But don't worry, because I'm sure you all want to be heroes!" The teacher said as everyone started to cheer and show off their quirks. Everyone except me. 

"I mean, most of you want to become heroes." The teacher rephrased as he noticed my expression. 

"Hey Big T!" A abnormally loud voice yelled. "I'm the only one who's going to become a hero among these idiots! The rest will most probably become a sidekick to some low rank!" 

Oh great, it's Tommy. 

"T-Tommy, stop that!" Tubbo said. He was more soft-spoken and calm, unlike the gremlin. 

"Shut it Tommy!" One of my classmates yelled. 

"Your quirk isn't even that strong!" Another yelled. 

"Hah! Say what you will, but I'll become the greatest ever!" Tommy yelled smugly. 

"Actually, if anyone's gonna be the greatest... it'd be Clay." One of my classmates said. 

"Why. Why have you done this. What is wrong with you?" I thought to myself, not wanting to be involved with Tommy's gremlin business. 

"HUH!? BIG D? BETTER THAN ME? NO WAY!" Tommy yelled. Interesting, I didn't think he could be this loud. Learn something new everyday. 

"I'm not even sure if I want to become a hero though." I spoke up. 

Then silence commenced for a solid 10 seconds before the gremlin- I mean, Tommy spoke up. 

"HAH! HE HASN'T EVEN DECIDED! NO ONE STANDS IN MY WAY-" Tommy started yelling before he was smacked on the head by the teacher. 

"I swear, everyone in this school can hear you." The teacher said. 

Then, the bell rang. It was time to go home. I walked back, thinking about my future. What did I want to do? Do I actually want to become a hero? Geez, career picking is hard. 

"I should just forget about it and figure it out later." I said to myself. 

As I walked back, I passed by an alleyway. It was dark but you could roughly see what was in there. A trashcan filled to the brim with god knows what, a broken street lamp, a few cats, some slime thingy attacking a boy, some graffiti and some broken glass bits here and there. 

Wait, what was that middle part again? 

I immediately ran into the alleyway and what I saw horrified me, it was some sort of slime thingy  trying to possess a boy around my age. 

"Huh? Dammit, a witness. I'll have to kill you after I possess this boy." The slime thingy said. 

The boy looked over to me with tears in his eyes. I knew he needed help. Opening my bag, I looked for something I could use in this situation. Instinctively, I took out my water bottle and splashed water onto the slime thingy, catching it's attention and making it look directly at me. 

"What the- What is your problem kid? Why did you- AHHHHH!!!' The slime thingy yelled as I punched it right in the eye, making it squirm in pain and releasing the boy. Immediately, I grabbed the boy by the arm and started to run. 

Unfortunately, the slime thingy recovered quick. 

"How dirty to go for my eyes like that, kid. You'll pay for that!" The slime thingy yelled as he caught up to us quickly and blocked the exit. 

"Nowhere left to run..." The slime thingy taunted. "Nowhere left to hide..." 

"Shit." I mentally screamed. Was I going to die here? I closed my eyes, preparing for the inevitable. 

"Do not fear... For I am here!" A voice yelled, I opened my eyes to see a large figure standing right in front of me and the boy. The figure was noticeably muscular as his muscles could be seen through his tight brown shirt. I instantly knew who this person was, it was the greatest hero ever, Notch.

"Oh shit! It's you! Gotta run!" The slime thingy said as it tried to make a quick escape from the alleyway. However, Notch was unexpectedly fast despite his large figure as he grabbed the slime thingy and forced it into an empty apple juice bottle. 

At the sight of this, I was relieved. Not only was I alive, but I also got to witness a hero at work. For some reason, this lit a spark in me. It inspired me and gave me a motive, a goal, a dream. 

"Are you youngsters alright?" Notch asked, the boy and I nodded in response. With that, Notch flashed us a smile and leapt into the air. Leaving nothing but us in the dust. 

"Hey, thanks for saving me earlier. I'm George." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Clay." I replied. 

"You were amazing, how did you figure out the slime's weak point? And how are you so strong?" George asked. 

"Well, it was just a hunch. Turns out I was right. And the reason I'm this strong is because my quirk maxes out my stats to the peak of human efficiency." I replied sheepishly. 

"Whoa, should be nice having such a useful quirk like that." George said. "My quirk only allows me to remove someone's ability to see colour." 

"Wait, seriously? That's super cool!" I said. "If you think about it strategically, your quirk can be used to temporarily confuse or blind the opponent, giving you a sharp edge!" 

"I never thought about it that way... Thanks for the heads up." George said. "So, what are your plans for the future? For me, I'm going to enrol into UA High and become a hero!" 

"You know what?" I said. 

"I'll become a hero... too." 

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