Cooking with Woofless and Lachlan

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*Third Person POV*

After what seemed like hours of torturous training, it was time for dinner. This got everyone hyped as they were starving. 

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see what they prepared!" Zak said. 

"Alright everyone, as you know... It is now dinner time. Since it's a tradition to cook your own meals during a camping trip, we shall be cooking our own meals!" Mitch said. 

"For this activity, you will be scouted by Woofless and Lachlan!" Preston said as a wolf suddenly came out of the bushes. 


"OI, LANGUAGE!" Darryl yelled. 

Suddenly, the wolf stood on it's two feet as it started to gain human features. This was a man, not a wolf. 

"I was expecting you to arrive normally." Preston said. 

"That's no fun, isn't it?" The man, who was a wolf earlier said. 

"What, are you Technoblade now?" Preston asked. 

"I wished. Anyway, hello everybody. I am Woofless. Today, we'll be making baked potatoes and rice!" The man said. 

"Ohh, I love baked potatoes!" Darryl said. 

"Who doesn't?" Tubbo asked. 

"It doesn't matter as our stomachs think all potatoes are mashed." Vincent replied. 

"Yo what the fuck." Tommy commented. 

"Oi, language." Darryl said. 

"Wait a minute, how are we going to make our dinner if we have no supplies?" Vurb asked. 

"Wait for it, any second now." Woofless said, confusing the entire class. 

Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere. In his hands held several bags full of what seemed to be groceries. The man also had lightning bolts sparking off his body, which looked pretty cool. 

"Just in time, Lachlan." Woofless complimented. 

"Indeed." The man replied. 

"These bags contain the supplies you will be using. It includes the best quality potatoes from Germany, the finest rice from Vietnam and some good herbs from IKEA." Lachlan said. 

"Where did you get all these?" Clay asked as he observed the potatoes, there was not a single scab on any of them. In fact, all of them were perfect. 

"Oh, I first ran to Vietnam to get the rice, then I ran to Germany to get the potatoes and then I went to Sweden and bought some herbs from IKEA, I also got myself a chair!" Lachlan said as he pulled out a fancy black chair out of nowhere.

"How did you..." Clay asked. 

"Lachlan's a speedster, kid. This isn't the most surprising thing he's done, ahaha." Woofless chuckled. 

"Anyway, let's start cooking!" Lachlan said. 

Eventually, everyone worked together to make dinner. Nikki, George, Harvey, Tubbo and Wilbur cleaned the rice while Zak, Astelic, Vincent, Rose and Vurb peeled the potatoes. Nick and Tommy were in charge of keeping the fire alive while Darryl, Ant, Gogy and Clay did the cooking. 

"Nick, make sure to keep the fire hot. And remember not to overdo it." Darryl said. 

"You got it, Darryl!" Nick said as he shot a small flame from his fingers into a pile of dried leaves and sticks, creating a fire that was perfect. 

Tommy, on the other hand, used all his matches to create one big fire because he thought it would be cool. 

"Darryl, you're doing great! The potatoes smell fantastic!" Woofless complimented. 

"Oh, thanks sir!" Darryl replied happily. 

Meanwhile, Zak tried to eat a potato raw. He regretted it. 


"THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT!?!?!" Vincent yelled. 

"You MUFFIN HEADS! Stop dilly-dallying and pass me some more potatoes to cook, or else you two don't get any!" Darryl scolded. 

"Yes Darryl." Zak and Vincent said as he peeled their potatoes in the speed of light. 

After half an hour, dinner was ready. Everyone ate their food like a pack of hungry wolves, they didn't even leave any for the flies who were in the area. The food was simple, but it satisfied everyone's stomachs. 

"Ahhh, that was good. If only my Hatsune Miku body pillow was here." Zak said. 

"You're still on about that?" Clay asked. 

"Yes." Zak replied. 

"Since today has been quite a tiring day, you kids get the rest of the evening off! If you wish to explore the forest, you must receive permission from either Mitch, Woofless, Lachlan or me." Preston said. 

Sadly, no one explored the forest. Everyone went straight to bed. 

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