UA entrance exam

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Well, it's finally time. 

I walked along a path that lead to the area of the entrance exam at UA. With my new found dream to become a hero, I will definitely pass this exam and enter the school. I took a deep breath before taking another step closer. 

But I tripped. 

"This is the end of me, my dream was never meant to be. Goodbye cruel world." I thought as I closed my eyes, waiting for my face to reach the ground. But it never did. 

As I opened my eyes, I was in shock. It was like I was floating, but in fact, the back of my shirt was being pulled by someone. As I regained my footing, I saw a boy with black hair wearing a bandana. 

"Hey dude! You wouldn't wanna trip and fall at a time like this!" The boy said. 

"Oh, thanks." I replied as I dusted myself off. 

"I'm Nick, by the way." The boy said. 

"It's Clay. Nice to meet you." I replied. 

"Well, see you inside, Clay. And good luck!" Nick said as he dashed in. 

That guy was nice, I hope he passes. On the other hand...

"MOVE IT, THE NEXT NO. 1 IS COMING THROUGH!" A loud voice yelled. Of course, it was Tommy. 

"Tommy, pipe down. We don't wanna bring any attention." Tubbo said. 

"Hah! Even if we do, they're no match for the likes of me!" Tommy boasted. 

I rolled my eyes and tried to leave unnoticed, but the little gremlin was sharper than I thought. 


"Well... I'm taking the exam." I replied. 

"Tch, whatever. Just don't get in my way." Tommy said as he pushed me aside and walked in front of me. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sure he doesn't mean it." Tubbo said. 

"It's fine, Tubbo. He's just like that. Anyway, good luck with the exam." I said. 

"Thanks, you too." Tubbo replied before catching up with Tommy. 

I eventually made it in time and sat for the written exam, nothing to difficult for me as I had already familiarised everything on the question paper. Now, here comes the actual hard part. The practical exam. 

"Hello everybody and welcome to the practical exam. I'm your host, Stampylonghead and you all shall now be split into three large groups. Group 1 will enter the field through gate A, group 2 through gate B and group 3 through gate C." The emcee announced. 

"Phew, I may not have to deal with that gremlin after all." I thought. 

I was eventually put into group A, alongside George and Nick. What a coincidence. 

"Good to see you guys again. Let's do our best." I said. 

"Yeah, best of luck." George replied. 

"May the best of us win." Nick added on. 

We were soon preparing to be released onto the field, where the so called 'villains' who are actually robots roam. There, it was specifically stated by the emcee that we had to dispatch as many of them as possible. Once the gate opened, everyone from my group rushed out. Nick blasted himself forward while I sprinted as fast as I could with George behind. 

The first robot in sight was brutally destroyed by Nick with a flaming kick to the face. So Nick's quirk is combustion? Interesting. 

I took the second robot out by throwing a fury of punches at it, which the robot didn't take too well as it crumbled into pieces right after. I'm sure I got a juicy point out of this one. 

Not too long after, a giant robot appeared. It was huge. 

"Oh yeah by the way, you see that massive robot over there? Yeah, I reckon you avoid it." The emcee announced. After that, everyone started skedaddling 5 feet away from the humongous robot. I mean I don't blame them, if I weren't doing this practical exam, I would've ran 10 feet away. 

Suddenly, I heard a whimper. It was a small cry for help. I looked to see where the sound came from. I noticed that there was someone underneath some rubble, and the humongous robot was heading right towards it. 

"Please... Help me..." The person cried weakly. 

I was scared, knowing that I could be killed if I stuck around longer. But I knew I couldn't just run away like that. 

Suddenly, some guy ran past me. I didn't get a good view of how he looked, but I saw that he had spiky brown hair and... diamond skin? 

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