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*Clay POV*

It was 6:30 am, I was in my hero costume waiting as I stood in front of a massive skyscraper, which was Notch's agency. Goodness, it's huge! It could be tall enough to reach orbit level and I wouldn't even be surprised about it. I wonder how long it took to build all this. 

"Clay, what a surprise!" A voice called behind me, it was Notch. "I didn't expect you to come today, and this early too." 

"Well, Technoblade did tell me and my classmates that arriving early would be good. And I really don't wanna go against his judgement." I replied. 

"I wouldn't too if I were you." Notch said. 

"So what are we going to do today? Fight bad guys? Assist the citizens?" I asked curiously. 

"No... We will be doing community work." Notch said. 

"Oh. Well, that was... not what I was expecting." I said. 

I was feeling kinda underwhelmed, I thought doing an internship with Notch would mean that I would've been able to go around fighting crime and all that cool stuff heroes does. Sadly not this time. I let out a sigh before Notch suddenly grabbed me by the head and dashed off, dragging me along. 


Wait was that Darryl just now? 

No time to ponder as I'm currently getting dragged by the head by the number one hero. 

This seems about right. 

Half an hour later.... 


"It was Technoblade's idea." Notch replied. 

"Oh. Well, that's acceptable." I said. 

The two of us somehow ended up at a beach. But not the usual type of beach, it was a garbage beach. There were barely any sand patches visible as most of it have been covered up by garbage. Well, at least the water looks somewhat clean. 

"This place is absolute garbage." I said. 

"Good pun." Notch replied. 

"It wasn't a pun." I said. 

"Right. Anyway, I have an objective for you! I want you to clear up this entire beach in 2 weeks!" Notch said. 

"Before anything, was this Technoblade's idea?" I asked. 

"No, it was mine actually." Notch said. 

"Oh really, if that's so... ARE YOU NUTS!?" I yelled. "THERE'S NO WAY I CAN CLEAR THIS ENTIRE THING IN 2 WEEKS!" 

"On your own, no. But... with that power you call 'adrenaline rush'.... It's possible." Notch said as he crossed his arms. 

"W-What... How did you-" 



"Why not we strike a deal here, I'll even increase your deadline to 3 weeks." Notch offered. 

"Spill." I said. 

"If you manage to clear all this garbage in 3 weeks, I'll tell you a little something about that 'adrenaline rush' of yours." Notch said. 

"Wait, you know what this power is?" I asked in surprise. 

"Indeed. Now, deal or no deal?" Notch asked. 

"Deal." I quickly replied. 

Never have I ever been so motivated to do something, just because I want to find out about something. Quickly, I hopped onto one of the few sandy patches there were left and started looking around. Goodness, there was all sorts of trash around here, from regular garbage bags to old cars and trucks! This was going to be tough.

Week 1

I've started sorting out everything into three different categories, which were small, medium and large. The small category would include garbage bags, broken toys and substances that I will proudly confirm that they will remain as unknown. The medium category would be old furniture like sofas, fridges, beds and tables and finally, the large category would consist of old vehicles. 

Day 1 was full of me clearing the small category of garbage first. Looking at it from a different perspective, it was like a game. Clearing out the small category would be the equivalent of killing off the underlings of the mini boss. 

By day 4, everything from the small category would've been cleared and I was ready to move onto the medium category, where my base strength really mattered as I would have to constantly move old furniture. If I were to estimate, the medium category would be cleared during the middle of week 2. 

Week 2

It's day 1 of week 2 and I've noticed that I've become significantly stronger as carrying old furniture no longer posed as a difficulty to me. I might've miscalculated the amount of time it would take to clear the medium category, instead of finishing during the middle of this week, I would finish by tomorrow. 

Day 2 proved as a challenge to me as I had just finished the medium category and have moved on to the large category. There, I had to use 'adrenaline rush' a lot. Who knew carrying old vehicles would be this tough? Imagine this outdated car from maybe the 90s being this heavy, I can't imagine the weight of today's cars. 

This has proven to be very difficult. As of now, I'm not even close to being halfway done with the large category and it's already day 4. However, I realise that I'm not losing as much stamina compared to before after using 'adrenaline rush'. 

Week 3

A decent amount of work has been done. I was finally halfway done with the large category while my usage of 'adrenaline rush' was improving. This greatly improved my work efficiency as the vehicles would no longer be a huge problem. 

By day 3, everything was cleared. The beach that once had barely any sand patches was now full of beautiful, yellow sand that felt both smooth and grainy upon contact. Overall, the once garbage beach was now a beautiful beach that would attract tourists from all over the world. 

Suddenly, an applause could be heard. I turned around and saw a huge crowd of people surrounding the beach, all of them were cheering, clapping and yelling 'well done' and 'thank you very much'. I soon noticed Notch somewhere in the crowd. Our eyes met as he wore a proud smile, crossed his arms and nodded at me. I don't know why, but this made me feel joy. 

"So this is what it feels like to be a hero..." 

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