A new beginning!

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*Third Person POV*

After being discharged from the hospital, Clay was allowed to leave and enter his class dormitory where his classmates held both a house warming party and an end-of-the-year party. Everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves, which was good as that way they can push away everything that has happened. 

"Clay! You finally arrived!" Gogy called with Nick beside him, they were both excited to see their friend again. 

"How's your injuries?" Nick asked. 

"Eh, could use a little more time to heal. But overall, I'm fine. How about yours?" Clay asked. 

"I'm feeling great! Harvey and Mrs. Sqaishey healed me up pretty well." Nick replied as he flexed his left arm, showing that he was fit as a fiddle. 

"Anyway, you hungry?" Gogy asked. 

"Oh yeah, I'm absolutely famished!" Clay said. 

"Come on, let's help ourselves to the food on the table." Nick said happily. 

After one delicious and hearty meal, everyone gathered around the lounge for a nice chat until it was time for bed. Everyone left the room and headed to their own separate rooms to call it a day. Except for Zak, he was still up watching DragonBall Super™. 

As Clay was about to enter his room, he was stopped by someone's hand that was placed onto his shoulder. As he turned around to see who it was, he saw Notch, much to his surprise. 

"Notch? What are you doing here? And at this time too." Clay asked. 

"Well, I'm here to have a chat with you, privately. Follow me." Notch replied. 

"Uh... okay." Clay said as he followed Notch into the teacher's office. 

"I see you've mostly recovered, good for you." Notch said. 

"Thanks, how's your injuries doing?" Clay asked. 

"Well, most of them are healing... Except for one. There ain't a whole bunch of benefits when you reach an age like mine." Notch chuckled. 

"W-What do you mean?" Clay asked. 

"You see, I have sustained a serious injury that during the battle with Herobrine. Had it not have been for One for All, I would've died. However, One for All could only do this much. I may be alive, but I am no longer in any condition to fight." Notch explained. 

"That means..." 

"Yes, I have no other choice but to retire as the number 1 hero." 

"Notch, do you know what you're doing? Once word comes out that you're retiring, imagine what would happen among society!?" Clay said. 

"I know very well the consequences. But I have faith that the future generation will succeed me, specifically you." Notch said, "Which is why I have a preposition for you." 

"A preposition? About what." Clay asked. 

"I give you my quirk, and you become the next number 1." Notch said. 

Hearing this, Clay was baffled. Sure, he wanted to become a hero, but becoming number 1? That felt a little too extreme. But if he were being completely honest, Clay found it quite flattering and  deep down, he liked the idea of being number 1. 

"Just to be clear, becoming the number 1 hero is neither an opportunity nor a given privilege. It is a responsibility that is passed down to those who are worthy. And as the previous number 1, I find you worthy." Notch said. 

Clay was completely silent. He just didn't know what to say. But he knew something, and it was that he was going to accept Notch's preposition to honour him.

"I accept your proposition, Notch." Clay said confidently. 

"Very well, Clay. I will now hand over my quirk to you." Notch said as he pulled a little cup containing an even tinier capsule inside. 

"What's this?" Clay asked curiously. 

"It's a pill that is made from specimens of my DNA. In order to receive my quirk, you must ingest it." Notch said. 


"Yeah that sounded a lot better in my head." 

"Yeah, no kidding." 

"Anyway, EAT! Technoblade's gonna kill you if he finds you awake at this hour!" 

"What do you mean he will kill me??!?!?!"

"Never mind that, hurry up and eat!" 

5 minutes later... 

"Phew, finally got it down." Clay panted. 

"That process took longer than I anticipated." Notch said.

"Yeah you think? I don't know what person would be fine with just eating a pill that has been infused with your DNA specifically." Clay said. 

"There're a lot more than you'd think." Notch informed. 

"Jesus Christ." 

"Anyway, you'd better go back to your room and go to bed now. You got a long break ahead of you." Notch said. 

"Yeah, goodnight." Clay said before dashing away, leaving Notch to his lonesome. 

"He may be more worthy than I thought." Notch thought. 

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