The final exam part 3

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*Third Person POV*

The day of the final exam has arrived, everyone was nervous as hell. Even though tons of preparations have been made by the students, it still wasn't enough to completely calm them down. Heck, it was taking a lot of effort just maintain their composure. 

The written part of the exam was up first, and it ended in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Considering that the time given was 1 hour and 30 minutes. After everything has been settled for the written exam, it was now time to move on to the practical test. 

"Alright, kids. The day has arrived. You shall stick with the group that has been assigned to you and are strictly forbidden to interact with students who aren't in your group." Technoblade said sternly. 

"Y-Yes sir..." Everyone replied nervously. 

"I will call your group one by one. Once called, you will head down to Grounds A and meet with the teacher you are assigned to. I wish you all the best in this exam." Technoblade said before leaving the room, only to come back 5 minutes later. 

Clay, Nick, Astelic and Tommy were eventually called first as they nervously made their way down to Grounds A. There, they meet with Technoblade who was standing beside StampyLongHead and DanTDM. 

"Welcome to Grounds A, red team. Your assigned opponent will be... Special guest, Notch." Technoblade announced as Notch appeared out of out of nowhere, startling everyone except Technoblade. 

"We're facing against NOTCH!? Oh no, we're doomed." Nick said. 

"Do not fret. Since Notch is the No.1 hero, he will be heavily nerfed. These are weighted bracelets  made by Mumbo Jumbo that Notch will wear during the test. Your goal is to escape the designated area while Notch hunts you and tries to take you down." Technoblade explained. 

"That still doesn't puts me at ease." Nick said. 

"Well too bad." Technoblade replied. 

"These bracelets won't stop m- Holy cow, these are actually really heavy." Notch said as he out on the bracelets. 

"You may enter the designated area whenever you are ready." DanTDM said. 

Clay, Tommy, Nick and Astelic were now tasked to think up a strategy together before having to escape the clutches of Notch. 

"Alright, I've worked with Notch during the internships and if there's anything I know about him, it's that he's extremely fast. So trying to outrun him would be futile." Clay said.

"What about we out-fly him, then?" Nick asked. 

"Not all of us can fly, though." Tommy said as he pointed towards Astelic. 

"That's not a matter, I can carry Astelic." Clay said. 

"But you'll be completely vulnerable." Astelic replied. 

"We'll cover him, don't worry." Tommy said. 

"So flying's the plan?" Clay asked. 

"Yeah." Nick, Tommy and Astelic replied.

"Okay, we're ready." Clay said as he faced the teachers.

"Excellent. You may head to the designated area now and will be given a 2 minute head start, use it wise-" Technoblade said, but before he could finish, Clay and his group rushed towards the designated area.

"Oh my, quite hasty aren't they?" StampyLongHead commented. 

Clay and the others managed to reach the starting point at last as they started getting into position while Clay carried Astelic bridal-style. With Nick giving the signal, Clay, Nick and Tommy all leapt into the air and took flight. 

"These wings are mighty reliable." Clay thought as he flew through the air with Astelic in his arms. 

"We better pick up the pace, Notch is going to be here any min-" Nick said before he was grabbed by the leg and pulled downwards. 

"NICK!!!" Tommy yelled as he redirected himself downwards, with Clay and Astelic following close behind. 

"You thought you could fly your way out of this? Well you should've gone higher." Notch said to Nick before swinging Nick towards a wall, causing him to crash into it. 

As Notch was about to pick Nick up, he was tackled by Tommy which sent him flying away. This gave Tommy, Clay and Astelic some time to get Nick back on track. 

"Nick, you alright?" Clay asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine- ouch." Nick replied. 

"WATCH OUT!" Astelic yelled as she hopped right out of Clay's arms and used her sword to block an incoming attack from Notch, which caused a shockwave. 

"H-How did he get here this fast!? I literally just tackled him!" Tommy said. 

"You underestimate me." Notch said before disarming Astelic and knocking her away. Luckily, Clay managed to catch her. 

"Tommy, I'll distract him while you gather up some momentum." Clay said. 

"You can't possibly take him on yourself, Clay!" Tommy said in concern. 

"Watch me." Clay said as he activated his shield and put on a fighting stance. 

"Hang in there." Tommy said before flying upwards. 

"Bad idea to stand alone against me, Clay." Notch said. 

"Yeah well, it isn't the first time I faced off against you." Clay replied before charging towards Notch.

The two squared off. Every attack that Notch would throw, Clay would block with his shield. Every attack Clay would throw, Notch blocked with the bracelets. Overall, this was a battle to ensure who was fast enough to land an attack. 

Suddenly, Nick came from behind and launched a huge blast of fire towards Notch, this caught Notch off guard as he stumbled forward a bit, giving Clay the chance to land a powerful blow to his chest. 

Astelic soon returned to the battle as she picked up her sword and used the pommel of her sword to hit Notch, it didn't do much damage sadly. However, it was enough to divert Notch's attention away from Clay, which was a bad idea on his part. 

Clay took this chance to show off his 'Clutch' power as he activated it and charged towards Notch and landed a blow on Notch's chest, sending him flying away once again. 

"Keep your guard up, he won't stay down for long." Astelic said. 

"Don't worry, we got a rocket." Clay said confidently as Tommy could be seen diving towards Notch in full speed. There was also a noticeable glow coming from Tommy's body as he closed in. 

"Oh boy, here comes the explosion. Everyone get down!" Clay yelled. 

As Notch got up, the first thing he saw was a glowing Tommy 2 feet apart from him, getting closer and closer until...

An explosion occurred. 

As the smoke cleared, a slightly injured Tommy could be seen lying on top of Notch, who was successfully knocked out cold. Clay, Astelic and Nick all rushed towards Tommy and helped him up. Together, they made their way to the exit and successfully passed the practical exam. 

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