Chapter VII: Up in Flames

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"If it keeps it's victims alive," Ben asked Sam. "Then, why did it kill Roy?"

"Honestly," she said. "I think he pissed it off when he shit at it and that's why he's dead now."

Ben glanced to the side, something red catching his eye on the leaf covered ground. He walked over, picking it up to see that it was a peanut M&M. Smiling, he said waved Sam over. "I think they went this way."

She took the candy from him and laughed to herself. "Better than breadcrumbs," she said. You're a Genius Deanna.

Tossing the piece of candy away, they followed the trail of them. It lead them to an abandoned cave entrance with a sign overhead that read: WARNING! DANGER! DO NOT ENTER EXTREMELY TOXIC MATERIAL. Sam shrugged, not worried, and head in. Ben followed, a little more hesitant than she had been, though.

Clicking on her flashlight, Sam stayed ahead in case they came across the wendigo. At the sound of growling, Sam shut it off. She pulled Ben to the wall, trying to hide them as well as she could so that the wendigo wouldn't see. As it was coming towards them, she covered Ben's mouth, knowing he might screen. It took a different tunnel, though, easing Sam's heart slightly whereas she thought it would explode.

Sam and Ben kept going, her leading the way until the floor underneath them broke. She hit the ground on the level underneath the tunnel, her body aching as she sat up. She saw Ben ease upward, too, and caught sight of the bone surrounding them. He leaped back towards her and she hugged him a moment.

"Hey, it's okay," she told him like a comforting mother. "It's alright."

When they looked up, they saw Deanna and Harley hanging from the ceiling. They were tied up at the wrists, limp looking and dirty. They ran to their older siblings.



"Deanna, wake up," Sam said, shaking her sister. The blonde opened her eyes weakly. "Hey, hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said although she winced in contradiction.

Sam cut her and Harley down. Ben and she helped their siblings to an empty patch of ground.

Deanna groaned like she was about to hurl and Sam held her. "You sure that you're alright?" she asked

"Yeah." She nodded. "Yep. Where is he?"

Sam knew who was talking about: the wendigo. "For now."

Harley stood, spotting Tommy still hanging from the ceiling. "Tommy. . ."

Harkey touched Tommy's cheek, thinking his brother was already dead. His head jerks up, gasping. Harley jumped back with a gasp before turning on Sam. "Cut him down!"

She did and Harley immediately went to help his brother. "We're gonna get you home," he whispered.

Deanna wandered over to the stolen supplies in the corner. She pulled the flare gun from the pile. "Check it out."

"Flare guns," her sister said, grinning. "Those'll work."

Deanna laughed and twirled the gun in her hand with a smile before heading down the tunnel with the others. Her and Sam were in the lead with the flare guns with Harley and Ben supporting Tommy, who was limping.

That was when they heard growling.

"Looks like someone's home for supper," said Deanna, ready to fire her flare gun.

Harley swallow. "We'll never outrun it."

Deanna looked back at the others. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked her sister.

"Yeah, I think so."

"All right, listen to me." She looked back to the others. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here."

"What are you gonna do?"

Deanna winked starting back the other way. "Chow time, you freaky bastard!" she screamed. "Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, I taste good."

The rest of Deanna's words are faded and they couldn't make them out. Sam waited until Deanna was a safe distance away before going. "All right, come on! Hurry!"

The Collinses followed Sam down the tunnel.

Growling. Sam pointed the gun toward the sound, then lowered the gun and turned to the Collinses. "Get him outta here," she told Harley.

He looked distraught. "Sam, no."

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Come on, Harley!" Ben yelled. Tommy, Harley and he hurried along the mine tunnel.

Sam held the flare gun ready to shoot, looking down the tunnel. "Come on," she murmured. "Come on."

There was growling and she turned: the wendigo in her face. Sam tried to shoot but missed, then ran after the Collinses.

"Sam!" she heard Harley yell as she almost reached them. "Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry."

They ran to the end of the tunnel, the wendigo right behind.

"Get behind me," Sam ordered, going to block the boys although she wasn't able to hide them exactly. The wendigo approached, taking its time.

"Hey!" another voice yelled from behind the monster.

It turned, and Deanna shot it in the stomach. The flare went off, the Wendigo going up in flames.

"Not bad, huh?" Deanna asked with a smirk, covered in dirt.


An ambulance loaded up Tommy. Two policemen interviewed Ben, Sam standing by him and putting in pieces of information. "And the bear came back again after you yelled at it?" one of them asked.

"That's when it circled the campsite," said Ben. "I mean, this grizzly must have weighed eight hundred, nine hundred pounds."

Sam nodded, trying to look as innocent and traumatized as possible.

"All right," the officer said. "We'll go after it first thing."

Harley walked up to Deanna after being patched up by medics. Deanna had already had her turn and was leaning against her Impala.

"So I don't know how to thank you," said Harley. "The girl that saved my life."

Deanna smirked. "I know one way."

"Must you really? I swear your as bad as any of us men."

"So I've been told." She nodded to herself. "Being a whore is fun, though. Sam misses out."

"You riding with your brother?" asked a paramedic as he passed Harley.

"Yeah." The medic headed back to the ambulance and Harley turned to Ben. "Let's go."

Sam and Ben nodded at each other and Harley kissed Deanna on the cheek softly. "I hope you find your dad," he said before they head to the ambulance. "Thanks, Sam," he said on his way.

They Collinses climbed into the ambulance with Tommy, Deanna and Sam watching a moment as Sam sat on the Impala's hood with Deanna.

"Man, I hate camping," Deanna said.

Sam nodded. "Me too."

There was the sound of the ambulance driving away, sirens on, nad police cars following.

"Sam, you know we're gonna find Dad, right?" Deanna looked up at her younger sister.

"Yeah, I know." She glanced at Deanna. "But in the meantime? I'm driving."

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