Chapter II: Deal or No Deal?

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Sam and Deanna walked down the staircase outside in dark lighting and cold weather. There wasn't exactly pleasant weather tonight, hey, it fit the occasion in Sam's opinion. "Oh, come on," she was saying. "You can't just break into my home in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you. That's not how it works, Deanna."

Deanna scoffed. "You're obviously not hearing me right, Sammy. Dad's missing, and I need you're help to find her."

"Remember that poltergeist in Amherst? Or the devil's gate in Clifton? The man was missing then, too! He's always missing and he's always fine-"

"Not for this long," Deanna interrupted, turning around as she stopped in front of Sam. Her face had been hard, but now it softened as she looked at her younger sister. "Now are you coming with me or not?"


Deanna squinted at her, the hard mask returning. "Why?"

"I swore I was done hunting, Deanna. For good."

"Come on, Sammy, just because it wasn't all good doesn't mean it was necessarily all bad." Deanna started walking again, not waiting for a reply. She took the hair-band from her messy ponytail and fixed her hair as they reached the last few steps. It had undoubtedly become disarray during their altercation.

"Yeah?" Sam asked as if she had been challenged. "When I told Dad I was afraid of the monsters in my closet, he gave me a 45 and told me to use it."

"Well, what was he supposed to do?" Deanna defended their father as if she were defending herself. They had reached the gate at the end of the stairs. The gate was all that separated them from the parking lot. All that separated them from leaving now. Or so Sam thought was Deanna's opinion. There was plenty

"I was nine!" Sam explained. "He was supposed to say something like, 'Don't be afraid of the dark. It'll be okay.' "

"Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me?" Deanna mocked, raking the stray hair away from her green eyes. "Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there, Sammy."

"Yeah, I know. But still, though, the way we grew up after mom died, and dad's overwhelming obsession with the thing that killed her- Deanna, we still haven't found the goddamned thing. So what? We kill everything we do find-"

"And save a lot of people doing it, too. Don't forget that."

Sam scoffed. Oh, how many times had she heard that? 

"You think mom would've wanted this life for us?"

Deanna wasn't going to listen to that. She pushed the iron gate open and walked out. Sam followed, determined to win this argument. "The weapons training and melting silver into bullets?" she put up like a lawyer raising evidence in court. Well, like the lawyer she was on her way to be. "We were raised like warriors, Deanna. Like warriors. Most little girls wear princess dresses or cowboy boots, not go to gun ranges."

"So what're you gonna do, huh?" Deanna snapped at her little sister. "Huh, Sammy? You gonna live the normal apple-pie life? Is that it?"

"No, not normal. Safe."

"Well, that's why you ran away, right?" Deanna let out a cold laugh for the second time that night. She didn't like arguing with her sister as much as she was good at it.

"I was just going to college," argued Sam. "It was Dad who said that if I was gonna go, then to stay gone. That's what I'm doing."

"Dad's in real trouble right now if not already dead. I can feel it." When Sam didn't reply, Deanna added, "I can't do this alone."

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