Chapter XI: 785-555-0179

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The girls were in full research mode with pictures and articles taped to the walls and strewn across the room. Sam had said it looked like something Mom would be proud of; Deanna of course ignored her. Now she was looking at something on her lap-top while Deanna read something on her bed when one of them broke the silence.

"So get this," Sam said without looking up from her screen. "Every religion in every world culture has the concept of demons and demonic possession, right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it."

"Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this," her sister replied, finally looking up from her own laptop.

"Well, that's not exactly true. You see according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease."

"And this one causes plane crashes?" Deanna asked, getting up. She sighed. "All right, so, what? We have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?"

"Yeah. You know, who knows how many planes it's brought down before this one?" Samantha said. Deanna snorted, turning away. "What?" Sam asked, confused.

"I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big." Deanna paused. "And I wish Mom was here."

"Yeah. Me too," Sam agreed, but before she could say anything else, Deanna's silver flip-phone started to ring.

She pulled out the brand new device and answered it. "Hello?"

"Deanna, it's Jerry," said the shooken voice on the other end.

"Oh, hey, Jerry."

"My pilot friend- Oh, God -Chuck Lambert is dead."

"Wha- Jerry, wow, I'm sorry. What happened?"

"He and one of his buddies went up in a small twin about an hour ago. The plane went down."

"Where'd this happen?"

"About sixty miles west of here, near Nazareth."

"I'll try to ignore the irony in that."

"I'm sorry?"

"It's a reference to-  oh, never mind. It's nothing. Jerry, hang in there, all right? We'll catch up with you soon."

Deanna hung up and looked at Sam, who was staring. "Another crash?" she asked.

"Yeah," Deanna answered. "Let's go."



Sam and Deanna had stopped by the Nazareth crash sight on their way to Jerry's office, and found yellow powder from the last plane incident. Jerry was hunched over microscope now, checking to see if it was really the same power.

"Sulfur?" Deanna asked, hoping that she was wrong but Jerry shook his head. "Well, that's just great." She threw her arms up in the air. "All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him." 

"With all due respect to Chuck," Sam added. "If that's the case, that would be the good news."

"What's the bad news?"

"Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485."

"Forty minutes? What does that mean?" Jerry wondered aloud as Deanna cursed.

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