Chapter XVI: Bugs

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Oasis Plains, Oklahoma

The construction sight of the new neighborhood was busy with sounds of hammers and tools. The workers were like ants building the hive for their queen. The queen in this case was a company, but both control the lives of sweaty and diligent workers, right? So what's the difference.

Travis, breathing hard because of the sun beating down on him, bent to spray paint over the place he was meant to dig. Leaning on the handle of his shovel, the cutting edge in the dirt and one foot propped up on the shoulder of it, he huffed. "Man," he said to one of the other neon orange-dressed construction men. "These are some fat house, huh? I'd like to live here."

"Yeah," his coworker laughed. "Too bad you can't afford it."

"Your right, Dustin," he admitted. "This neighborhood will be damn expensive when it's done."

Dustin wandered a few feet away, following the sound of his metal detector. The beeping of his machine was fastest over a random patch of soil. It buzzed, though, and the man wondered why. Bending down, he rested his gloved hand on the groud, feeling the vibrations underneath his palm. It felt like a miniature earthquake under his hand.

"This place is perfect. . ." said Travis behind him, but he wasn't listening. "Ow!" he yelped a moment later, slapping his neck. Pulling his hand away, he sighed. "Except for those damn mosquitoes."

Suddenly, he fell through the ground; he had been swallowed up my a sink whole. "Travis!" he exclaimed.

It look Travis a moment to catch up since he had been facing the other way, but when he turned around, he ran over.

"Help me! I'm trapped!" Dustin yelled up from a yard or two down under. Travis was at the mouth of the whole, staring down in shock. "I think I broke my ankle!"

"I'll get some rope!" Travis called down before running off.

Dustin struggled to keep his groans quiet but his ankle hurt to bad for a manly act like that. He could feel his own wet blood on his hands and the sharp pain that shot up his leg. "Oh, damn," he hissed through his teeth. He was breathing hard, his throat tight.

Dustin quieted as he heard the chirp of buds around him. They were loud and unlike anything he's ever perceived. He felt like he could no longer breath as he realized that there were insects and pests. He gasped as he noticed the bugs crawling onto his hand. Hurriedly, he shook them off, gasping and trying to get away. He bumped the dirt wall behind him and bugs fell over him like hail. He yelped. The small black bugs soon covered him like a blanket, though.

"Travis, help!" he managed to yell, frightened to death.

"One second!" he heard Travis yell back from his truck one could presume.

Dustin began to scream. The bugs were doing something to him

"It's okay!" Travis yelled. "I'm coming! It's gonna be okay, Dustin!"

By the time Travis made it back to the edge of the sink whole, though, it was too late. "Dustin, I'm here!" Travis yelled, fumbling to turn on his flashlight. "Dustin?"

The flashlight shown into the whole and Travis had to keep vomit from coming up. "Oh, God."

Dustin was bloated, all the opening in his face leaking with dark red blood. His eyes were that same color. It looked like he had been poisoned and left for dead for days before Travis had gotten back to him. A part of him wished he had been there sooner to help, but another part of him was thankful that he didn't see what had happen to his friend.


The sound of rock music, giggling whores and bikers surrounded Sam, but she was used to this. She'd grown up around this. Whereas she calmly sat on the hood of the Impala, reading the paper to search for a case, Deanna had been inside for the past twenty minutes. Either she had hooked up with somebody or she was winning a game. Sam was sure Deanna would enjoy either option, and she didn't want to know which Deanna was engaged in.

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