Chapter XV: Hook Man

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Lorance was getting ready for his date with Rachel, who was a sorority girl. It sucked when you were the preacher's son because of all his moral limits. Rachel never seemed to push him on anything though. He was in his his dorm room with his best friend/roommate, Taylor, about to leave when the other boy said "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." 

Lorance laughed. "There's nothing you wouldn't do." 

Taylor smiled and agreed, "That's true."


Lorance and Rachel were on the 9 Mile Road. Her car stopped and she shut off the engine. Standing behind the trees, there was a tall man with a hook for a hand. Lorance and Rachel didn't see him.

"I thought we were going to the party," Lorance said.

"Well, we can't arrive on time." Rachel bit her lip.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you brought me here on purpose," Lorance joked with a smile.

"What? I'm offended," Rachel teased.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Lorance replied. She reached over to him and their lips connected for a kiss. And then, of course, Lorance's cell phone began ring and they reluctantly broke away. The caller ID said "Dad Calling".

"You wanna get that?" Rachel asked, her eye switching from him to his front pocket and back again.

"Definitely not," Lorance said with a smirk. He shut the ringer off. They resumed their kissing, tongues starting to dance. Rachel pulled at his belt, the other hand drifting under Lori's halter strap. He pulled away and moved her hands away. "No," he said.

"It's okay," Rachel said, trying to comfort her virgin boyfriend. Lorance still looked uncomfortable, though. Outside, the figure with the hook moved slowly out from the trees.

Rachel began kissing Lorance's neck and put her hand high on his thigh, moving it far too close to his NO ZONE. He pulled away again.

"Hey, I mean it," he said. Suddenly, they hear a loud screeching noise. Outside, the hook-man drug his hook along a reflective Dead End sign.

"What was that?" Lorance said.

"I don't know." Rachel answered, not at all showing her fear but feeling the rush of her blood. The adrenaline ran hot through her veins but she was not going to show that with her boyfriend sitting in the car beside her. She went to kiss Lorance again but they heard the sound of that hook once again. It was louder this time and Rachel couldn't hide her fear any longer. "What is that?" she asked, opening her car door.

"No! Rachel! Have you never watched a horror movie?!" Lorance yelled.

"Just wait here you big baby," she replied, not liking that she was being told what to do. She got out of the car and shut the door loudly. Lorance was now officially terrified for his girlfriend.

Outside, Rachel was looking around when she heard more screeching. She turned to see a long scratch being made on the side of his car, but the Hook Man was invisible to her. "What the Hell?" she cursed.

"Rachel, let's go!" Lorance screamed from inside the car. One of the back tire got popped, the air wheezing out of it fast. She screamed.

"Rach?" called Lorance from inside the car. He looked around, trough the windows but couldn't see her. "Rachel!" he called again through her open window. She rolled it up the windows and locked all the doors.

"Rach, where are you?" he yelled. He suddenly heard scratching and banging on the roof. He jumped into the backseat on the floor. The noise stopped. Lorance was breathing heavily, talking to herself and trying to stay calm. "Okay, okay," he breathed.

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