Chapter XVIII: 42, -89

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Rockford, Illinois

Roosevelt Asylum was quiet, crickets chirping outside in the cold night. Though there were warning signs and "No Trespassers" was stated clearly multiple time, inside the abandoned nut house was a young, idiotic couple who fit the exact stereotype of kids who would break into an asylum. 

Outside stood two officers near their patrol car. "Can't keep kids out of this place," said the senior officer. He was a dark skinned lad with hair on the whiter side after so many years and so much stress. He had just been assigned a new partner who had been transferred in. From where, he didn't know.

The young man stared up at the Gothic looking building towering over the two. It gave him the chills. "What is this place anyway?

The older officer laughed. "I forgot you're not a local so you wouldn't know the legend."

"Legend?" he echoed, a little bit ready to pee himself already.

"Every town's got its stories, right?" The man smiled before turning back to looking at the abandoned building. "Ours is Roosevelt Asylum. They say it's haunted with the ghosts of its patients. Spend the night and the spirits will drive you insane."

The younger man raised a brow, something kin to curiosity in his expression. He hoped that his partner as messing with him but with the serious undertone of the elder man's voice, he couldn't tell. The senior officer nodded him ahead, leading the two of them through the front doors and inside the asylum. Turning on their flashlights, they shone them around in case they could catch the latest juvenile delinquents that had snuck in. 

"Hello?" the older man called. "It's the police!"

As they entered an open room that was more than likely used for visitation, the men split up. "Police officers!" the older of the two called.

The younger walked toward the hall, flashing his light around as he searched for clues of some sort to tell him where the intruders were. Then, of course, the simplest tell was what he found. Broken chains. Calling his partner over to look at his finding, he sighed.

"Are you telling me these kids brought bolt cutters?" his partner exclaimed. After a second of disbelief, he sighed as the younger man had moments before. "Come on then," he said. "Let's split up."

His partner headed in a different direction, the younger officer ducked into the boiler room in search for the trespassers. With the exception of light chatter on low volume being voiced on his walky, the room was quiet. "Hello?" he called. 

As he continued to venture into the room, he saw a cracked door. Though it read hazard and caution in chipped red paint on the outside of it, he ducked into the room. "Hello?" he called out again, not worried about the safety of the room itself.


The older of the officers walked down the hall warily after leaving his partner to go a different way. He heard light scuttle to the right and turned into the open door. As he continued into the dark room, his skin crawling like the wallpaper on the wall, he felt a chill fly by him. Then another scuttle or a murmur, he didn't know. Making his way toward the sound, he rounded the tipped over table and said, "Alright, come on out then."

He flashed his light behind the tale to find three teenagers crouched behind it. He sighed. Of course.


The young policeman glanced around the horribly lit room, flashlight in hand, when the blasted thing started to malfunction. The bulb was more than lightly faulted, running low. Shaking it and hitting it on his palm in an effort to make it work, he grumbled under his breath. Of course this was his luck. He's working night shift, protect an abandoned building from a couple of kids who just wanted a little fun. God knew he had done worst in his teenage years. But no, it wasn't just an abandoned building. It was a creepy ass asylum. Which was supposed to be haunted. Yeah, sure, like he believed in that kind of crap, but still. It wasn't fair. He probably wouldn't even find the trespass-

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