Chapter III: Gross-tastic

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Only seven miles from Jericho, Sam and Deanna were still in the Impala. As Deanna only partially paid attention to the road, going between her sister and it, Sam talked. "Well, there's nobody who matches Dad at either the morgue or the hospital so that something, I guess," she said. She had been on her cell phone for an hour, seeing if there was anything to find about their father. She closed the flip-phone and retracted the antenna.

The music had been on low since Sam had been on the phone. Deanna went ahead and turned it all the way off. "Yo, check it out," she said.

There was a car on a bridge surrounded my county policemen. They wore green jackets with American flags on their right shoulders. One man wore a tan campaign hat and was talking on his walky-talky. He stood right at the mouth of the bridge.

Deanna pulled over the Impala and turned off the engine. Deanna nodded at the glove compartment in front of Sam, asking her sister to hand her the box inside. It was small and wooden and totally innocent seeming, but on the inside were fake IDs. Sam could only stare as Deanna rummaged through it to find the one she wanted. She found it and slapped the box shut.

"Let's go," she said, getting out of the car. Sam sighed before following her big sister.

"Did you guys find anything?!" the walky-talky man yelled down to the officers by the shore of the river that ran underneath the bridge. He looked a little hopeful. These disappearances were not something the officer like particularly.

"No!" one of the men down below answered. The other added, "Nothing!"

The hope left the Sheriff as he sighed. He walked over to Officer Lanly in the disappearance of Troy and Lanly reported, "No sign of struggle, footprints, or fingerprints- it's spotless! Almost too clean, really."

Sam and Deanna walked up to the scene but didn't fit into it. Deanna wore an old leather jacket with jeans, combat boots and a white t-shirt under her jacket. Her nails were chipped from fighting monsters and her cheek still had a red blemish from getting in a fight with a werewolf.

Sam, on the other hand, wore a t-shirt with a sweat shirt over that and another jacket over that. She had on fit jeans and sneakers on. Her brown hair was messy like she'd had a rough day. Sam fit herself- she really did look like a twenty-two year old that went to boring law-school.

"So this kid, Troy, isn't he dating your daughter?" the Deputy Sheriff asked Officer Lanly. "How's Amy doing?"

Lanly closed his eyes with a sigh. "She's putting up those missing person posters all over downtown."

"Ya'll had another just like this last month, did you not?" Deanna asked, interrupting the conversation as she attempted to sound grumpy and professional.

"And you are?" one of the men wondered aloud, eyebrows raised in question.

"Federal Marshals," Deanna said, flipping the ID out then closed again before he could get a good look at it. Deanna shoved it back into her inside coat pocket.

"You two are a little young for Marshals, don't you think?" the Deputy Sheriff questioned.

"Thanks, that's kind to say." Deanna said like a stuck-up sonavabitch. Deanna moved past the man and stepped closer to the crime-scene. She looked at it as if she already knew what was going on but in reality had no idea yet. "But you had one before this, am I correct?"

"Yeah, that's right, a mile up the road I'd say. And other's before that, too."

"So the victim, you knew him, correct?" Sam asked more politely than Deanna would have.

"In towns like these, everybody knows everybody and that's just how it is."

"Any connections between vics?" Deanna asked as she hovered around the abandoned vehicle. "You know besides that they're all male."

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