Chapter VI: Molotov Cocktail

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A man, Roy, talked to Harley and Ben while checking a shotgun. They were all carrying full hiking backpacks. "I'll tell you again," he said. "I don't think Ben should come."


"Look, you're paying me good money to keep everybody safe. I think Ben's safest at home."

The Impala pulled up and Roy, Harley, and Ben stared. Harley shook his head in disbelief as the girls got out of their car. Sam opened the back door of the Impala and pulled out the duffel bag.

"You guys got room for two more?" Deanna said, smiling.

Harley gave her a look. "Wait, you want to come with us?"

Roy looked at him. "Who are these girls?"

"Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue," Harley told him. "A couple of chicks."

Sam headed past everyone, into the woods. Deanna came up to the other, still smiling away.

"You're rangers?" asked Roy.

"That's right, gunner."

"And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Harley asked.

Deanna looks down at herself. "Oh, hon, I don't that special hiking-khakis crap." She walked past Harley.

"What, you think this is funny?" Roy asked. "It's dangerous back country out there. His brother might be hurt."

Sam turned back, looking at Deanna. "Believe me, I know how dangerous this could get. We just wanna help her find his brother, that's all," said Deanna for her sister before passing by the others.


The group hiked through the Autumn forest, Roy in the lead, then Deanna, Harley, Ben, and Sam bringing up the rear. "Roy, you said you did a little hunting," commented Deanna after a few long minutes.

"Yeah, more than a little."

"Uh-huh. What kind of furry critters do you hunt?"

"Mostly buck, sometimes bear."

Deanna passed Roy. "Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?"

Roy grabbed Deanna, earning a look in return. "Whatcha doing, Roy?" Deanna asked.

Roy grabbed a stick and poked the bear trap Deanna had almost stepped in. Harley looked annoyed watching the two stare at one another.

Roy smiled. "You should watch where you're stepping, Ranger."

The gun-man dropped the stick and retook the lead. "It's a bear trap," Deanna told the others, a bit embarrassed. They hiked on, though.

Harley caught up to Deanna. "You didn't pack any provisions. You girls are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers. Couldn't even pass as girl-scouts if you ask me." Harley grabbed Deanna's arm. "So who the hell are you?"

Ben slipped past Harley and Deanna. Sam looked at Deanna, who nodded her younger sister on to ahead. It was okay. Sam obeys. Deanna watched her go for a moment.

"Sam and I are sisters, and we're looking for our dad," explained Deanna. "He might be here. We don't really know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat."

"Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?"

"I'm telling you now. Besides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a guy . . . ever. So we okay?"

A pause. "Yeah, okay."

"And what do you mean I didn't pack provisions?"

Deanna pulls out a big bag of peanut M&Ms, sticking her hand into the bag as she hiked on. Harley waited a second, smiling to himself, then followed her.

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