Chapter V: Blackwater Ridge

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Blackwater Ridge - Lost Creek, Colorado

The dark forest was quiet as every that night. The tents were pitched up, ready for the campers to hit the sack. It was silent outside of the thin tent walls; not even a cricket chirped. The boys were still up, though. Two were playing on their stupid little hand-held video game devices, Brad and Gary were deep in combat against one another, trying to out-gun the other guy in their fantasy world.

Suddenly, Brad looked up from his tiny screen at his friend. He accused the other young boy of cheating. Gary of course denied it, saying, "No, dude, you just suck."

Something growled outside and they noticed noting, of course, too caught up with their technology and arguing. In the other tent, the third boy, Tom Collins, was recording a video message on his satellite phone.

"Hey Harley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge," he told the camera. Something dark flicked by the tent wall behind Tom, too fast to be identifiable as more than 'something dark'. Tom didn't notice, though. "We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Tom stopped recording and sent the message.

Brad, one of the gamers, closed his game system and tossed it aside with a huff. Gary stared at his system for a second, then turns to look at Brad, who was already up and unzipping the tent.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" he whined. "I was in my moment of victory."

"Nature calls!" Brad sang, smirking since he thought he was so funny.

Brad went outside, zipping up the tent behind him before going to stand against the tree to relieve himself. The fire crackled as he heard the snap of a stick behind him. He looked toward the sound and saw the trees rustling. He shook his shaggy-haired head and returned his attention downward, then looked up sharply. Something growled and that was all he heard.


Inside Tom's tent, Tom, who is reading Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces, heard Brad scream. He was started by the sudden noise. Gary heard the same and rolled over in his tent.

"Brad?" Gary called.

Tom sat up. "Gary, what's goin' on?" he yelled to the other tent.

Gary opened the tent and stuck his head out to look around. He didn't see anything. But he sis hear something. Growling. He looked up but was pulled out of his tent viciously by the beast that had gotten Brad, whatever it had been. He screamed with terror.

Tom turned out the lantern he had on, hoping whatever it was, wasn't intelligent enough to know he was hiding. Shadows move very quickly around the outside of Tom's tent. Tom looked around, his blue eyes following the shadows and growling. Silence fell, making all the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. I spine-shivering feeling filled him. Something slashed open Tom's tent. He screamed, knowing death would surely come for him now.


Sam, wearing a black dress and carrying a red rose, walked through an otherwise deserted cemetery. Her damp brown hair looked darker than usual, maybe from lack of sunlight? She was paler, too, although that might be because she could barely keep anything down. Deanna had been looking after her but. . .

She sighed and stopped next to a gravestone. It read: Jesse Lee Moore, Beloved Son and Friend, January 24th 1984 - November 2nd 2005

There was a small picture of a grinning Jesse set into the stone above his name, a black-and-white picture of him leaning against the a wall, his smile as brilliant as it always had been.

Sam looked between the gravestone and the flowers. "I, uh . . ." She drifted off, not knowing what to say. She had lost plenty of people, yeah, but there had never been a grave for them.

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