Chapter XII: Bloody Mary

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Toledo, Ohio

The three girls laughed, gathering around a coffee table with white candle sticks. The candlelight was the only illumination as the girls played middle school sleep-over games. "Okay, your turn, Lily, truth or dare?" said the blonde haired girl with brown eyes.

"Truth," answered Lily, as she brushed her mop of brown hair. She tried to tame it with the red hairbrush, but was failing, making the long hair frizzier.

"Do you want to make out with Benji Swartz?" asked her friend.

The other girls giggled and Lily blushed below her stormy grey eyes as she changed her answer to "Dare."

"Okay, lame. You have to. . . say Bloody Mary in the bathroom."

"Is that the best you can come up with?" Lily challenged.

"Who's Bloody Mary?" asked the third girl dubiously.

"She's this witch-" began one girl before getting interrupted.

"I heard she was a lady killed in a car crash," said Lily.

"It doesn't matter who she is," her friend decided. "Point is, if you say her name three times in the bathroom mirror she appears...and scratches your eyes out!"

"So why would anyone say it?" asked the dubious one.

"Because it isn't real," Lily assured her friend before getting up.

Blondy handed her a candle. "No turning on the lights, and remember. . . three times."

Lily opened the bathroom door seconds later. She looked at the shadows on the wall, then closed the door and put the candle down in front of the mirror. She was suddenly scared to say it. "Bloody Mary." She paused before continuing. "This is so stupid. Bloody Mary." The candle flickered. She looked at it for a long before finishing the chant. "Bloody Mary."

Nothing happened but then a loud noise filled her ears, making her shriek. It was just pounding on the door. Lily opened it up to find her friends laughing. "Scared ya," said one of them

"You guys are jerks."

"Lily," said a deep voice. Lily looked up to the top of the stairs, where she saw her father. "Do you mind keeping it down?"

"Sorry, Daddy," she answered as her friends said simultaneously, "Sorry, Mr. Shoemaker."

He headed up the stairs, passing several mirrors. The mirrors were all different with one exception. Bloody Mary stood in the background of all of his reflections. He took some pills out of the bathroom medicine cabinet and closed it, revealing yet another mirror. He popped the pills in his mouth with ease before looking closer in the mirror, noticing some scratches under his eye.

Lily and both her friends were giggling together. "You so like him!" one squealed, talking about Lily's huge crush on Benji.

Donna, Lily's older sister, came in the front door. "Hey, geek. You guys having fun?" she said.

"You're out past curfew," Lily teased.

"Thanks, Dad," Donna mocked. She went upstairs.

She saw a pool of blood coming out from under the bathroom door when she reached the hall. Donna rounds the corner and stopped before starting forward more slowly. She hesitantly pushed open the once white bathroom door, revealing a great deal more blood and something much more horrific. Donna screamed.



Samantha laid in her soft bed , eyes closed. Blood dripped on her forehead. She opened her hazel eyes quick to sees him. To see Jesse. To see her beloved pinned to the ceiling once more. He had on those smurf pajamas and his blue eyes were dull, something eating away his life. The blood that had dripped on her had fallen from his cut stomach. It was a slash that came across his ribs to his waist line.

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