Chapter One: "The Princes Of Shore & Sea"

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The riggings on the large galleon ship groaned and rustled in the gentle sea breeze. Dawn was just cresting over the watery horizon, bathing the sky in soft pinks and baby blues. The gentle waves rocked the ship as it crashed through the waves at a nice calm pace. They had put out to sea early in the hopes of making good time with the wind. The burly tattooed Captain crossed the ship, barking orders to his crew in passing. Stopping briefly to stand beside a younger man, he bowed his head and told him respectfully. "Morning, Highness. Sleep well?" The young prince shook his head dismally, but before he could answer, an older gentleman strolled up to them. As the older gentleman got within earshot, he blurted out in complete disarray. "I certainly haven't slept well! I'm sure our kingdom would sleep better if the young prince would stop dragging us around from Kingdom to kingdom! What was wrong with this one?!" The young prince groaned, mumbling under his breath. "I don't want to talk about it..." The older gentleman scoffed loudly, snapping out. "With all due respect, Sire. You NEVER want to talk about it and time is short! You can't be this picky! You have a kingdom to run!" The young prince turned stern eyes on the older gentleman, replying curtly. "I know that. I just don't want to rush into anything."

The older gentleman exhaled heavily, stopping beside him by the railing of the ship to state out. "What is there to rush into? All eight kingdoms had prime lands that could help our kingdom flourish. Each one willing to marry their daughters off to you without a second thought. Yet, you turn them all down! As your advisor, I need to know WHY. Highness, if this endeavor is based on how they look then simply tell me. I can't help you if you don't-" The young prince waved the man to stop talking to quickly interject. "It's not about that. Their appearance was fine." The young prince then leaned down on the railing with a sigh, prompting the older gentleman to ask gently. "Then what is the problem? I thought you and Princess Verlaine were getting along swimmingly. What happened?" The young prince tilted his head up to watch a flock of seagulls pass over, then honestly answered. "I don't know, Anslo. She was great... but I felt nothing for her. There was no... spark."

Anslo blinked as his eyebrow rose and sarcasm filled his voice upon asking. "Spark...? My dear boy... What on earth are you talking about? You got along with the girl! You should have proposed! You would have been happy together. That's all that is important! You know, your father wasn't allowed to be this picky. He was forced to marry your mother. Look how happy they were." The young prince straightened up to his full height, turning to face Anslo as he said respectfully. "I'm not my father, Anslo. If I don't feel anything... How will I know that I'll be happy?" Adjusting the green sash across his silk white tunic shirt, the young prince sauntered back toward the guest cabin. Behind him, he heard Anslo shout out to him. "Your highness! Be reasonable! Love is something that develops overtime! Not something that just hits you!" The Captain chuckled, interjecting confidently. "You've never laid your eyes on a mermaid. Now THAT is love at first sight." Anslo rolled his eyes, grumbling back darkly. "Be serious. That's a silly fisherman's tale. Mermaids aren't real."

The young prince stopped, turning to look at the Captain with peaked interest. Smirking, he asked him curiously. "Mermaids? Like the wooden figurehead decorating the front of your ship?" The Captain patted the ship railing, answering proudly. "The very same. I was a young sailor when I first saw her. Loreley. Loreley the Mermaid, I called her. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can still hear her voice." Anslo scoffed, retorting firmly. "Nonsense. See, Highness? This is what happens to men that stay at sea too long. You keep sailing us around and you'll start seeing mythical sea monsters too." The Captain glared at Anslo, but just as seriously stated out. "I didn't imagine her. I could NEVER have imagined her beauty. Now watch what you say aboard my ship, Mr. Gardiner. A foolish sailor insults the children of Poseidon." The young prince stared at the Captain with sudden worry as he asked. "Why is that, Captain?"

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