Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Deals In Blood"

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Back in the trench kingdom, Mark had finished explaining to the king about what was happening with his son. Fear and anger twisted Triton's expression, before he yelled out to the guards nearby. "Gather the troops! Leave half here to protect the kingdom and the rest should come with me!" One of the guards let out an exhausted sigh, before informing the king. "Highness, the troops are exhausted from the search. Even if we gathered them, you'd be lucky if they could help you." Triton's grip tightened on his trident as he thought for a moment. Straightening up, he told the guard more reasonably. "I see. Then gather those that can. We must not delay. Go!" The guard bowed to him, then swam off to pass on the message. Mark straightened up, telling the king firmly. "I'm going with you." The king put a hand on his good shoulder and was about to say something. Until a motherly voice blurted out sternly. "You will not, Mark!" Mark flinched, slowly turning to face his mother.

His mother's long speckled tail swayed menacingly, and her arms were crossed under her chest with her nails digging into her arms. Her glare was hot enough to pierce right through him. He didn't even get a chance to speak before his mother rushed out in a frantic tone. "You are not going anyway! You up and vanish on me for days on end! You didn't even tell me where you were going! So, for all I knew the prince got you killed! No offence, highness..." Triton just waved a hand with a small smile in response to show that he wasn't offended. Then Mark's mother swam closer to continue even louder. "Then you show up wounded and unconscious... and you expect me to just let you leave AGAIN?! NO!" Mark looked at Triton, who shrugged and moved away from them. Mark groaned, looking back at his mother as he told her coolly. "Mom, I can't explain right now. But he needs me. I have to go!" His mother shook her head, snapping out. "Mark, you can't swim well! And it is HIS fault! You are hurt now because of HIM, AGAIN! I'm not going to have you get yourself killed over this boy!"

Mark swam up to hug her, telling her in a broken voice. "Mom... He needs me. He could die without me. I know you don't like him... but I'm all he has. Please? I'm a survivor. I'll be ok." She hugged him tightly, shaking her head as she buried her head against his neck. Sniffling, she mumbled out. "I lost your father... I can't lose you too. He's going to get you killed..." Mark kissed her cheek, telling her warmly. "He'd be dead without me. I have to go." She shook her head again and Mark's throat tightened. Locking nervous eyes with Triton, he pulled from her arms and told her a bit choked up. "Mom... please? I... I promised him. I... I love him." Both Triton and his mom tensed at the last part. Mark lowered his eyes to keep from looking at either of them. Inhaling slowly, Mark shakily told them. "Think what you want about me... but he's going to die if we don't do something now. And no matter what he gets himself into... I've always gotten him out of it. I'm not going to stop saving his ass now."

Mark squeezed his mother's shoulder, swimming around her to leave. She stopped him by grabbing his tail and when he looked back at her, she smiled and told him in a reluctant warm motherly voice. "Be careful and come home." Mark nodded, moving back to kiss her cheek, before following Triton out. Outside the cave, Triton looked over the four guards on the backs of Hippocampi. They bowed to him and bought his large Hippocampus to him. Triton moved onto his large Hippocampus, watching Mark whistle for Barnacle. Barnacle shot forth from the stable excitedly, causing Triton to tense. Mark winced, apologizing as he climbed onto him. "Sorry. He just... took a liking to me." Triton nodded, telling Mark seriously. "Lead the way." Coaxing Barnacle to head out of the trench, they all held their breath. Pacing along the border was Riptide. The guards at the border kept their spears pointed at Riptide to deter him from passing them. Mark reached up to touch his seaweed wrapped shoulder. It was no longer bleeding, but he was self-conscious about it.

Riptide moved away from the border after bumping into the tip of a spear to test the strength of the merman. Upon circling around, he saw Mark and exposed his rows of sharp teeth. Triton raised his trident, sending a pulse through the water that sounded like a group of dolphins. Riptide jerked away from the sound reluctantly, moving out toward the shipyard. Mark exhaled in relief, coaxing Barnacle onward. Barnacle dashed through the water, and they started to make good time, when the guards in the back, yelled out. "HIGHNESS!" Mark slowed Barnacle as a guard screamed. Behind them, Riptide snatched a guard off his panicking Hippocampus. Blood streaked the water as the guards whirled around to try and save the other guard. Riptide clamped his jaw down on the merman, thrashing his head as he moved through the water. His large tail sending a strong current of water out in his wake. Triton raised his trident to try and chase Riptide off again, when Mark screamed. Barnacle was suddenly eager to buck him off! The action momentarily distracting Triton.

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