Chapter Thirty-Four: "Apart Of Your World"

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Nathan extended out his hand for Sean to take and Sean took it with a smile. Mark chuckled swimming on ahead of them. At the pace they were going, Mark was able to keep up with them easily. Nathan didn't want to go too fast with Sean still trying to get the hang of his tail. Diving into the Trench kingdom, Nathan led them to his grotto. He hadn't been here since his dad had destroyed it. Swimming inside, Nathan hugged himself. Everything was in ashes. It pained him that everything he treasured was gone. Mark put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, while Sean moved in to tread in the center. Turning in place to look at the shelves and the high ceiling, Sean told them excitedly. "Wow. This place is amazing!" Nathan moved a hand across the ash on a shelf, mumbling out. "You should have seen it before. Took me years to collect all the wonders of your world." Sean struggled a bit to face him but asked softly. "What happened?" Nathan couldn't answer. Allowing Mark to answer for him. "King Triton. Nathan's father. He destroyed it all."

Nathan gave Sean a small smile, telling him sweetly. "It's the reason I lost my voice. I wanted to see you and your world." Sean huffed a little, telling him with a light chuckle. "Ya, well... We have this saying on land. 'The grass is always greener on the other side.' But really... it just looks that way when you want to escape the fence that you're already in." Moving to a shelf, Sean moved his hand through the wet ash and told him softly. "When my dad was alive... He used to smash my seashell collection. He didn't want me near the ocean. He was afraid to lose me..." Mark shrugged, mumbling out to lighten the mood. "My mother just wanted me to work hard and settle down to make beautiful rainbow grandbabies." Nathan chuckled out to him. "I'm sure you will, Mark." Mark stared at Nathan, his smiling fading a bit as he said coolly. "No. I'm pretty sure that I won't. I'm too busy taking care of you." Nathan leaned back against a shelf, mumbling out sweetly. "Mark... I don't want you to protect him my whole life. You have to get out there and live your own."

Mark lifted his chin, answering in a deep loving voice. "It's like I haven't tried. I've dated other mermaids on the side. I've hung out with mermen. But I keep coming back to you. They don't see me like you do. I stay because I want to. I'd rather be with you than without you." Sean slowly sank to the floor, almost purring out as his ear fins fell back. "Aww, you love him?" Mark cleared his throat, looking away as he told him. "Ya... But he loves you more." Mark started to leave, when Sean asked curiously. "Don't go. You saved my life. I was hoping... we could all be friends?" Mark shrugged, replying honestly. "We can be. But... I'm sure you two want to be alone. You've got a lot to talk about." Nathan tensed, asking with concern. "Where are you going?" Mark gestured off, answering openly. "To calm my mother. And see if she wants any help with teaching Human studies again. With Sean having been a human... Who better to teach Merpeople about humans and their tools? I'm sure my mom would love to talk to him about it and share some of her merfolk knowledge with him. She'll love it."

Nathan swam quickly to his side, leaning against the grotto wall as he asked him hopefully. "Mark...? Wait." Mark stopped, smirking as he tapped Nathan's cheek. "Will you relax. I'm not going anywhere. I have to start packing my stuff up to move in here, you know. And explaining that to my mother... you know how she is. She's going to smack every scale off my tail for it. Cause I kind of told her that I loved you... and THAT is a conversation that she is not going to take lightly. All her dreams of pretty merbabies... POOF!" Sean chuckled to himself, prompting Mark to add swiftly. "You think I'm kidding? Wait until you meet her. She'll give you an earful about staying away from this pain in the ass." Nathan blushed, his ear fins falling back, before he took his hand and pulled Mark toward the center of the grotto. Reaching out for Sean's hand, he helped him up and told them softly. "That's not what I wanted to say... So... just let me get this out." Swallowing, Nathan took a deep breath before looking between them and saying. "It's no secret that I have been divided my whole life. Wanting to be... human and denying who I am."

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