Chapter Three: "Royal Burdens"

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Among the eight water tribes, the Trench Kingdom was the largest. The deep trench provided safety for the merfolk that lived there. Its thousands of underwater tunnels within the walls provided cavern homes and the palace itself had tunnels that lead straight up into Mermaid Island. The dark trench was lit up by fluorescent coral plants and glowing rocks of soft colors. All around the trench on rocky ledges outside of caverns or resting on other rocks along the floor of the trench, the merfolk were grooming themselves. Mothers and fathers were helping their children dress for the ceremony that would hopefully help them attract a mate. Anyone that could still breed participated. With their numbers dwindling, this wasn't just important for them but for all the water tribes. Merfolk were social creatures, and this was the biggest social gathering they had. This allowed their children to learn of other cultures among the other water tribes and meet new interesting people. Merchildren longed for this event. Sometimes the merchildren would even leave with the other tribes to live with them for a time.

The interactions strengthened ties between the tribes. For while the leaders of the eight tribes ruled over a part of the seven seas, they all held their allegiance to the Sea King. A position given to him by Poseidon when he gave his son a powerful Trident of godly power to protect the seven seas and its people. The ceremony was a tradition and an important one, because the seven children of Triton were the future of the Seven Sea kingdoms. Each child groomed to find a mate and head off to their new kingdom to lead the people there. Allowing the current rulers to advise them before retiring. This kept the kingdoms strong and healthy. While his sisters had all attended this ceremony at least once each, they had not left to rule because the leaders were not quite ready to step down yet. The leaders still had time left to rule. So, they could only hope that one of their sons or daughters would be chosen to rule at the side of Triton's kid. Triton's children were supposed to be a symbol of hope for the people. Seeing them at the ceremony showed the people how much they'd grown and how they cared. For his first ceremony, he was not off to a good start.

Swimming quickly through the trench, Nate tried to reach his grotto. Since he couldn't share a room with his sisters, his father had allowed him a cavern off his own as a gift. A home away from the palace. Pushing the hanging vines out of the way, Nate removed his bag and tossed it inside. He'd go through the stuff later. Mark glanced around at the whispering Merfolk that were watching them, upon telling Nate grimly. "You're so late... Everyone is outside now." Nate spun around, letting the vines fall back to hide his treasures as he positively told him. "Maybe they are just taking a break? Maybe my dad delayed the ceremony?" Mark gave Nate doubtful look, mumbling out. "I wouldn't bet on that." Nate's heart sank, but he didn't want to make any assumptions. With Mark tailing behind him, Nate swam off for the large entrance into the trench palace. As he swam into the massive tunnel, a mermaid that was leaning against a green glowing coral pillar, uttered out dryly. "You are late..."

Nate slowed to look at his eldest sister. She was a tall mermaid with braided auburn hair that was decorated in spiky shells. Out of all his sisters, Attina, was the tomboy. She was the son his father wanted. She was the strongest mermaid he knew, and she was confident. She was wise and the Barring Sea Tribe couldn't wait to have her as one of their own. Nate cleared his throat, asking nervously. "Where is he?" Attina crossed her arms under her large chest, stating coolly. "The throne room. He's getting a group together to go search for you... He's not happy." Nate looked at Mark, mumbling out. "He's never happy to see me." He started to swim on, until Attina grabbed his wrist. Holding his wrist gently, she told him more affectionately. "Nathan... He thought you'd gotten hurt or had been taken. After what happened to mom... You're just like her and that scares him. He can't afford to lose you." Yanking his arm from her, he snapped back at her. "If he can't afford to lose me, then why is HE the one pushing me away? He never treats you the way he treats me!"

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