Chapter Thirteen: "The Pirate & his Siren of the Coast"

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After getting dressed in a pair of sleek black pants with a white shirt and a green jacket, Sean headed out with his guards to the dining hall. He hated getting dressed up all the time, but it was the curse of being a royal. Unbuttoning the golden buttons of his jacket, he adjusted his tartan sash with his family's clan colors. The guards stationed themselves at the door, allowing him to go in on his own. Inside the dining hall, Sean lifted his chin high like he'd been taught. From the table, Princess Verlaine rose from her seat and curtsied as she addressed him politely. "Your highness." Walking into the room, he found himself staring out at the many windows to the ocean. The dining hall had one of the best views. The wall on two sides were framed with large windows to show off the vast ocean in both directions. The thought crossed his mind to open the window to jump out onto the beach. Anything to get away from here. Moving to his seat at the head of the table, a servant pulled out his chair and he thanked her before taking a seat. Only after he sat down, did Princess Verlaine seat herself.

The moment she was seated, she asked him in a gentle voice. "Highness? I've heard that you plan to let the commoner stay here. Is that wise?" Sean tapped a finger on his glass to signal the servant that he was thirsty. Taking a deep breath, he informed her honestly. "You think its unwise for me to look after my people?" She shook her head, telling him with concern. "Certainly not. But you don't know if he is one of your people. I heard from a servant that he wears a pirate compass. He could be here to hurt you... This castle was once seized by pirates before. It could happen again." Sean held his cup while the servant filled it, telling the Verlaine nicely. "Captain Jones hasn't been seen for many years. My father took care of him. Besides, I think I'd know a pirate when I see one." Verlaine smiled at him and he had to admit that she had a very pretty smile. Raising her own glass, she told him with the bow of her head. "Then I trust your judgment, Highness. Maybe you can even give him a job at the castle. I also heard you had fun in the bath with him."

Sean narrowed his eyes playfully on the servants lined up by the wall as he said. "Did they now?" A few of the servants blushed and tried to hide their giggles. There was no such thing as privacy in a castle. Taking a sip of his drink, he truthfully told her. "I did. It's not often that I meet guys my own age. And... what has become ordinary for me, isn't for him. It's nice to see someone go through so much and come out so strong." Verlaine nodded, then reached out to touch his wrist. On reflex, he pulled his hand from her. It wasn't that he didn't like her. He found her company pleasant. However, her desire to marry made him nervous. He wasn't sure he was ready for that. He just felt nothing for her. As beautiful as she was... he felt no spark. No desire to have her. She winced, sliding her hand back with a sadness on her face. She recovered quickly though to disguise it, asking curiously. "I heard you playing a beautiful tune last night as you walked your dog along the beach. Where did you hear that?"

Sean looked out the window at the glittering calm ocean, upon answering softly. "I heard it on the beach of that island you found me on. I don't know why... but I can't get it out of my head." Sean slipped from his chair and Verlaine started to get up, but he gestured for her to stay seated. Walking to the window, he unlocked it and pushed it open. Sitting on the windowsill, he inhaled the fresh gentle breeze of the salty sea air and listened to the gentle waves crashing over the beach close by. If he leaned out the window more, he could see Verlaine's ship docked at his private castle dock. The sun was warm today and he wanted to be outside. From her seat, Verlaine chuckled out. "Most princes love hunting, fencing, fighting at the taverns. You are the first that prefers staring at the ocean all day. Why is that?" Sean leaned back on the frame, inhaling deeply as he told her dreamily. "Because there is nothing else like it. It looks so endless and has so many mysteries below that glassy surface. I've seen whales as big as ships jump from the water and dive farther than any man could ever dream. I've seen nights where the sea glows green with these little creatures. And just listen to that...?"

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