Chapter Twenty-Three: "Baiting The Hook"

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Nate struggled to paddle the boat to Weeping Isle, but eventually he got him there. Hoping out of the boat, Nate carefully lifted Mark out to lay him across the shore. His legs buckled under Mark's weight though, forcing him to set him only half on the shore. Leaving Mark's tail in the water. Dropping beside him, Nate looked over his legs, there was blood leaking from between his toes and cuts were opening along his legs. The sea water stung against his wounds, but he cleaned his legs as best he could. When he finished, he laid down against Mark's side. His adrenaline was finally draining away, leaving him to feel utterly exhausted. Nate rested a hand on Mark's stomach, tracing the lines of his abs absently. He couldn't leave him until he knew he was alright. While he laid there, his mind drifted to all the times he'd been the cause of Mark getting hurt. Every scar Mark had was because of him. Even the new ones from Jetsam. He blamed himself for not letting Mark go home when he had wanted too.

Sniffling a little, Nate buried his head against Mark's ribs to cry a little. He felt like such a failure. He clung to Mark a bit desperately, seeking comfort. He missed being a merman. He missed his tail and the sea. Mark's hand stroked down his spine, causing Nate to jerk his head up. Mark looked at him with a groggy expression, before telling him in a hoarse voice. "You saved me... Why did you do that?" Nate scoffed loudly, sitting up to sign out a little distraught. "What?! Of course, I'd come for you. How can you even ask me that?!" Mark's hand touched Nate's arm, telling him in a strained voice. "Ursel is going to do something to Sean... You shouldn't have come for me. You'll lose him." Nate glanced back in the direction of the castle but signed out to Mark honestly. "I love Sean... but he hasn't been there for me like you have. I'd rather lose him... than lose you. You're my best friend... I can't replace you." Mark's lip split and started bleeding when he smiled. Reaching up, Mark brushed his fingers down Nate's cheek, mumbling out to him under his breath. "You're hopeless, Nathan... Completely hopeless."

Nathan leaned into his hand, chuckling enough that Mark chuckled with him. As Mark's awareness came back more, he sat up and told Nathan bluntly. "Nathan, you can't stay here. There is a chance you can still save Sean!" Nate shrugged and Mark added in a rush. "Ursel. He thinks Captain Jones is dead. But if you can get them together... it might buy you some time." Nathan shook his head, grabbing Mark's wrist with a worried expression. Mark put a hand to Nate's cheek, telling him in a hopeful voice. "I'll be fine. But if you don't do something, Ursel is going to win. I don't want you to be taken by him." Nathan gestured down at his legs with a defeated look, then quickly signed out. "I can't. I barely got to you in time! And that was only because of Poseidon. I can't face pirates on my own!" Mark blinked, mumbling out a bit stunned. "Poseidon...? How...? Nevermind." Waving his hands to dismiss his own words, he then told Nate seriously. "Don't be scared. I know you can do it! All the shit you've gotten me into over the years... and you're afraid of a bunch of pirates?"

Nathan blushed, signing out meekly. "You were right. I was reckless. I would have died if you hadn't saved me... I can't..." Mark cupped Nathan's face with a wince as his wounded shoulder seized up on him, but he pulled Nathan's forehead to his own and said confidently. "Nathan, listen to me. If you love him... YOU will have to save him. You've never let anything stop you before. You're the most stubborn and frustrating man that I know... You don't need me to hold your hand." Nathan could almost feel his words empowering him, but he signed out to him with worry. "What if Flotsam and Jetsam come looking for you?! They won't spare you again..." Mark smirked, telling him honestly. "They can try to find me... but I won't be here. I'm going to get your dad. If things go wrong... We're going to need him." Nathan's heart sank to the pit of his stomach. He really didn't want Mark to leave. Mark kissed his cheek, whispering into his ear. "Don't forget what you are. You are Triton's son. A son of the sea. A prince. You bow to no one." Leaning back, Mark patted Nate's cheek, adding with a warm smile. "You got us into this. Now get us out... like you always do."

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