Chapter Seventeen: "Escaping The Hook"

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Nate let Sean take a seat on the stool, while he remained on his feet beside him. Nate had never seen a human with a hook for a hand. It was both frightening and intimidating. Sean sat up proudly in his seat, asking in a light casual voice. "What is it that you want from me, Captain?" Captain Hook's dark eyes narrowed on Sean, his smirk fading as he answered. "Everything I am owed." Sean shrugged, nervously replying. "Money?" The crew laughed, making the hair on Nate's arms rise. Captain Hook reached out slowly with his hook to lift Sean's chin with the point of it. Leaning closer, Captain Hook stated out bluntly. "This is about more than just gold, boy. Your father stole my future. I'm here to reclaim what is mine." Sean blinked a little confused, then blurted out in shock. "Captain Jones? But how?! You're supposed to be dead." The crew let out low dark chuckles before Captain Hook slid his hook down along Sean's neck and said boldly. "You think it would be that easy to kill me? I've charted the most dangerous waters to date. I've looked the devil in the eyes and turned my back on him. I've killed men that cross me. And beasts that dared to show me their fangs. I'm not just a man. I'm the devil's son and I want what it MINE."

Sean gulped, leaning away from the sharp hook as he said softly. "What do you want, Captain?" Captain Hook turned his hook to grab the front of Sean's shirt. Pulling him closer to him, Captain Hook brought the golden pipe to his lips to inhale the tobacco from the two mounted cigars. Then bringing his face close to Sean's, he exhaled the smoke into his face before answering bluntly. "I want my castle and your life." The crew laughed menacingly. Nate snatched Captain Hook's arm to make him stop touching Sean. Captain Hook rose front his stool, kicking it back away from him as he turned a murderous glare on Nate. Nate kept a hold of Captain Hook's hooked wrist, staring him down. He wasn't afraid of a human. The crew around them backed up with soft gasps. Staring into Nate's eyes, Captain Hook sneered out in warning. "Take your hand off me, boy. Or I'll show you why they call me Hook." Sean reached out to touch Nate's chest, telling him in a shaky voice. "Don't. Let the Captain go." To Captain Hook, Sean rushed out. "Captain, he doesn't know any better. Please?"

Captain Hook huffed, then back handed Nate up across the jaw. Dazed from the hit, Nate stumbled back and fell onto a table that fell over under his weight. Captain Hook casually set his pipe down on the bar, withdrawing his pistol from his belt as he said aloud. "Consider that my one and only rare warning. Because I'm in a good mood today. And if you want to keep breathing, you'll want me to stay that way." Captain Hook raised his gun, cocking the hammer back before he moved his hook hand to rest across Sean's throat. Sean stiffened, realizing that the Captain could easily slit his throat with a hook this sharp. Captain Hook turned his attention back to Sean and told him seriously. "Here's how this is going to go down, Highness. I'm going to send a messenger to the castle. They are going to give me back my castle and everything in it in the hopes of getting you back. But when it is over... I'm going to tie you to my anchor and push you off my plank. Just as your father did to me!" Captain Hook lowered his hooked hand, jerking his head as he told his crew. "Take them to the ship."

The crew rushed in to grab Nate. Nate lashed out at them with his nails and kicked them. They quickly overwhelmed him though. A few men yanked Sean off his stool by his arms, then brought a cloth to his mouth to gag him with. Sean whined and kicked out as the crew laughed loudly. Captain Hook put his gun away, picking up his tankard to finish his rum like he was the calmest person in the world. Setting the tankard down, he picked up his smoking pipe and called aloud. "Mr. Smee? Escort them to the ship. The boys and I will be having company soon." A short rotund man in a loose fitting white tunic shirt with a black bandana around his head, walked up to Captain Hook from the corner of the tavern. Unlike the other crew, Mr. Smee was clean like Captain Hook and despite looking like a pirate, he didn't appear to have the nature of one. Mr. Smee set down his tankard on the bar, telling Captain Hook softly. "Captain, are you sure this is worth it? I know the girl meant a lot to you... but kidnapping the prince? It won't bring her back."

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