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The white Lamborgini dashed down the road at high speed. The pointing needle of the speed meter recoiled insanely with the increasing acceleration of the moving car machine. Pie gripped the seat bealt which held her securely in the seat. Her head dunk to the head rest whenever Kim revved the gas pedal madly. After all, she felt that the hours of her life were numbered. She doesn't has any gut to voice out or even talk to that tom. Ever since they left Aunty Inn's place, Kim's face grew redder. She was scarlet with anger, Pie could sense it. She had no clue on why Kim became so infuriated out of sudden.

"Kim watch out!" Pie gasped when her eyes caught a little puppy walked across the road from afar. Kim didn't seem to mind it all, the car kept speeding down the road furiously.

"Oh my goodness!" She pressed her palms to her eyes, definitely didn't have heart to witness the terrible thing that is about to happen.

Few seconds had past but the speeding car didn't hit anything as it kept accelerating. As soon as Pie removed her hands, she took a glance to the back with the aid of the rear side mirror. They puppy was safely untouched neither harm to the its death.

"Kim slow down the car! Are you insane!" She sputtered. The nagging fear that overwhelmed her truly got to her nerves. What ever it took, Kim seemed didn't bother with her words, the furious speed hardly shown any declivity.

Soon Pie could breathe rightfully when the magnificent gateway of the bungalow came to her view. Kim was the first to push the control button somewhat a mini remote control from inside the car and the gate slide open slowly making a shrill cracking frictional sound when two metal bodies touched . Just in the blink of her eyes, the white Lambo jerked forward again and then safely parked to its own place.

Kim was the one who got out of the car. Pie watched Kim fiery made her way to her door's side. Her heart palpitated wildly as she could foresee what was going to happen. Next thing she knew, Kim already swung open the door at her side. That tom's hand caught her wrist which later forced her to get out from the car irrefutably.

"Kim, it's hurt." Pie groaned loudly as Kim's grip getting tighter. She wasn't ready at all when Kim dragged her forcefully entering the house. It caused her to walk limply by Kim's side. At certain point, Pie felt like she wanted to cry out her lungs. Kim never been this aggressive yet she felt like she was being abused by her own fiancee.

"Kim! What did I do wrong?"Pie burst out just to get a devastated silent response from that tom.

"If you were mad at me for the expenses, I will pay them back!" Once again Kim didn't seem bother to listen to Pie neither the matter wasn't actually the cause of Kim's anger.

Still being caged by Kim, Pie reluctantly followed that tom to wherever she led them to. They walked across the spacious living room and ended up at the kitchen. Pie thought Kim would let her free straight away but she was so wrong. Despite of thinking they would have a talk about what ever matter which cause the vent of Kim's anger, that tom pushed her into the nearest lavatory.

Clueless yet startled with Kim's odd action, Pie just stared to furious Kim with her puzzled mind. That tom didn't step in, letting herself trapped alone inside.

"What are you going to do with me." Pie embraced herself, frightened with Kim's blazing stare.

Keeping her mouth tightly shut since the beginning,Kim reached out her hand to the water hose. Pie watched Kim turned on the faucet causing the water gushing out fiercely from its mouth. She had no idea on why and what was the purpose of Kim did so.

"Kim.." Pie braved herself to voice out but before she could proceed her arranged question, Kim had first motioned the furiously gushing water to Pie's face down to the her whole body.

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