25. The Conundrum of an Old Picture

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A few hours ago...

"Ms.Kimhan is fine. She just needed some more rest and sleep." The middle age doctor said as he handed a prescription slip to Pie. The girl studied the list for awhile. Obviously, she didn't have any idea of what the medicine is all about.

"You can get the medicament later." The doctor added, realizing the confusion written all over the girl's face.

"When will Kim... wake up?" Pie faltered, unsure with her own gut.

"I'm afraid she won't until the next morning." The doctor laughed but it didn't sound funny to Pie. The man went silent immediately when she caught Pie staring. "What I meant is I let Ms.Kimhan to have a rest a little bit longer. The dose I have given to her is ample to restore her energy." The doctor explained. Only then, Pie nodded her understand.

"Alright, Ms.Pie. I think I'm done here. You can call me if you needed anything." The man said. He was no other but the private physician who had been serving the family for long years.

"Thank you."


Current time...

Pie spent the whole day, watching Kimhan Jittaleela until she didn't realize she had lost the track of time and it was nearly late in the evening. The room gradually turned dark, indicating that the sun had descended from the west sky yet the moon was about to take over so soon. Kim was too deep in her slumber, lying motionlessly for the long hours. Colour seemed had drained from her face making the tom looked pale; as pale as the snow. It's not only that, the bruises she got in conjunction to the fight on the other day, made Kim looked like a horrible un-dead. There was a little cut in her lips, distorting the charm look she has ever had. It came to Pie's realization that Kim had went through a very hard time these past few days and she was partially causes of the suffering.

At this moment, Pie admitted that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Kim was not really absent. She was there, sleeping and unfortunately that mind was not able to connect to real world where they could possibly talk or at least arguing about the silliest matter. Previously, she hated it when Kim dictated her for every deal in the house. Not to mention, she had always wished that she could tear and cut Kim's lips into pieces whenever the tom smirked to her but now, when Kim froze right in front of her in the living unconscious state, she started to miss those moment terribly. It was kind of incomplete of not arguing with the tom for a day. It seemed something was missing when she had not seen the ugly smirk. It felt empty when she had not listen to Kim's voice; calling her name. In short, everything seemed to fall apart.

"Kim, wake up." Pie found herself whispering. She shook her head tossing away the thought; Kim needed to rest.

"I'll come back later." Pie said to the unconscious tom. She needed to clean herself and get some refreshment after long hours of staying there in the room.

Pie walked herself to leave the room when the messy working desk disturbed her sight. Kim rarely left her things untidy and ridiculously she did.

"I'll help you to clean this mess." Pie said.

The girl started to stack the pile of papers neatly to one corner of the table. Afraid that she might throw away some important documents, the girl only picked up those crumpled papers which spread all over the area. Pie stuffed the other Kim's belongings into the drawers which led her to a new discovery. It was not a shock to her to see a few old photos of Kim and Fern. She believed one day, the untold old stories between them will finally came to reach her knowledge. Indifferent about them, she continued with her work. Later, she found a dirty coffee cup under the pile of mess; Kim had probably staying up late previously. A few minutes later, Pie finally made everything back to their right place.

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