43. A Little Escape to Celebrate

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Pie Mindara

If I could ever transform into a female version of the Hulk, I would surely changed into one by now. I was green with envy as the pang of jealousy struck me. Kim pissed off as she being nonchalant with everything. She remained seated there like a statue, brushing her gaze around the living room, staring at the furniture or even the paintings on the wall as if she has never seen them that close.

"Guess what?" I inhaled deeply and Kim began to have her attention to me again. "I hate you." Kim blinked at me, blur.

"What have I done?" I gazed at her angrily for the reason she sounded too innocent with her reaction.

"Ask yourself." I groaned to my annoyance. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kim mused as she pointed to herself and awhile later rubbing her head in mess. I wasn't sure if she was pretending not to know or she just wanted to annoy me more. She seemed clueless.

"I seriously have no idea why you are so upset with me." Kim said and that was my last straw.

"You went out with Yam almost every single day and you don't find it wrong?" I was infuriated. Yes. Even though Yam is my best friend and I do know her personally, I couldn't help myself not to feel jealous with it. She stole my time with Kim as my stupid lover has been with her for the rest of the week. It was too much.

"I was helping her with her school." Kim shrugged.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" I growled and jumped on top of her. We came crushing down to the floor. "I saw both of you at the mall, laughing and teasing each other like a couple." I wrapped my hand around her neck and squeezed it with a little force. "I don't know that we have classes at the mall?" Kim choked to the shortness of her breath because of it.

"I took her for lunch. That's it." She struggled to let herself free from my cage. I wouldn't allow it; not until she gave me such satisfactory explanation.

"You have to believe me, Pie." She pleaded.

These past few weeks, my life has changed tremendously for the reason that I have been doing more than a job at time. I wasn't sure how P'Boy managed to arrange it with Mario who is practically our boss, but he let me involve in acting; I mean I started to involve in short drama shooting which unofficially made me an actress. Yes. P'Boy made me paired up with the gentleman Nadech Kugimiya. Although at the beginning of it, I wasn't in agreement with the deal, Kim convinced me that I can do the best in acting as well. It's insane and unimaginable how my life could turn out this way. I guessed it's just my fortune. However, after all the changes and opportunities come to me like gold, it somehow cost me the other precious thing in my life; that's the time I have with Kim. My busyness level was beyond my expectation. I left home early in the morning and somehow could only come back late at night. Kim has been very understanding and being tolerate with it but I knew she was unhappy with it too.

"Just because I rarely had time with you, you are trying to be two timers, don't you? Ironically, your mistress is my best friend." I accused. Kim's eyes widened in surprised and somehow seemed offended. She held my form securely and took me with her as she positioned herself into a proper sitting position.

"You're being jealous." She smirked. I leaned away and slapped her head that she scowled back at me.

"I'm not." I crossed my arms to my chest. Stupid Kim. Why asking the obvious thing?

"If I really want to date Yam, I would have done it long ago." Kim said and my head whipped to her. "It's really nothing Pie. I was just helping her and she's my good friend too because she is your best friend." Kim stated before I could open my mouth.

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