33. London; Day 4

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Pie's POV

A deep ache throbbed in the base of my head and I winced loudly when I felt my brain was going to explode. I didn't even remember if I did suffer from any brain injuries but the last time I checked on myself, I was in a good health. Attempting to move my body, I found that I was being caged in a warm embrace. There's no need for me to fret anyway. My sensory smell quickly detected the familiar scent of fresh citrus; Kim. Did I ever tell you she smelled like a lemon? That was because the detergent we used for launder. How we ended up sleeping in the same bed when the last thing I could recall was we were eating at the restaurant? My brain was too hurtful to function.

"Kim..." My voice croaked as I spoke. It came to my realization that my throat was burning. I tried to ease the pain by clearing my throat but it only tortured me more. Good thing Pie, you got sore throat.

"Kim..." I snuggled deeper to her chest. I regretted the movement I made. It caused my world to spin, inviting a tremendous feel of nausea. The next thing I knew, I hurriedly darted myself to the bathroom despite my aching head. Reaching to the nearest spot where I could pour out the whole content of my stomach. I slumped over the toilet boil and vomited only air. Did I eat too much last night that my digestive system became depressed?

"Pie!" I heard Kim came to my side in rush. She must be awake with my sudden move. Kim patted my back gently as if it would work to lessen my terrible feel; I swear it wasn't. I sat back weakly and Kim caught my form before my butt touched the floor. Without any words, Kim lifted me up until I could stand on my feet. She carried me back to the bed and made me seated carefully at the edge of it. Kim didn't even look at me while I was desperately seeking for her enchanted brown eyes. Why she refused to make an eye contact with me when the first thing she always done whenever I woke up in the morning was staring at me?

"You have a terrible hangover." Kim murmured and an instant later, she walked to the bathroom again. She returned to me with a small towel and also a basin of water.

"What happened to me?" I asked, feeling slightly frighten with the serious gaze Kim held. Kim took a look at me for awhile before she soaked the towel into the water. She squeezed the cloth until it was slightly damp.

"You were drunk. Do you know that?" She answered and at the same time returning a question to me.

I shook my head, no. Did I?

"You were drunk and that was the last time you would touch any liquor." Kim said and brought the damp towel to my face. She wiped my face with a great care and all I could do was staring at her admiringly. Kim has and always been patient with me. She never failed to show her affection towards me and I was constantly took that for granted. How selfish I am.

"I think the headache is unbearable." I complained to her, demanding for an attention like a little girl. Kim sighed loudly and shifted her gaze at me. Finally, she looked at me in the eye. Oh how I loved to be drowned in that brown eyes.

"I'll get you some aspirins." She told me.

"My throat doesn't feel good too." I pursed my lower lips and dropped my gaze, unable to hold any eye contact with Kim anymore. She might think I was troublesome to her by now.

Kim move somewhere around the room and returned to me right after. She handed me a bottle of water. "Drink this." She told me. Later, I felt she place her hand to my forehead, checking my temperature. I peeked up at Kim just to caught she gasped to her utmost terror as if she was just seeing a ghost. "Oh my God Pie, you are burning." Kim frowned.

"Stupid Kim, how couldn't you realize it?" I heard she cursed herself. I don't think she was so wrong after all. Kim just being too over protective towards me that she tended to put all the blame on her when something unpleasant happened to me.

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