31. London; Day 2

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Pie's POV

I woke up to a gentle touch on my cheek and the soft touch continued to bother me when it trailed down along my jaw line. It somehow sent a tingling sensation through my whole form and I groaned loudly to it. I don't want to wake up. Please stop disturbing my sleep.

"Go away!" I pushed the bothersome thing away with my hand. No; I didn't sense anything but an empty air. Awhile later, I heard someone giggling softly beside me and my eyes fluttered open in a snap. I stared to exactly where the sound came from. There it was, wait that was not correct. There she was; Kim had her eyes all on me.

"Good morning, my wife." Kim beamed. She brought a finger to touch my nose lightly before she caressed my cheek with her thumb. God! Where did she get all those GOOD in the morning? I don't think I have one today.

"Why did you wake me up?" I pulled the comforter to cover my face. It was quite cold this morning. I was freezing. That was strange; my room temperature has never reached this low until I barely feel my toe. "Oh!" I gasped. "I need to prepare you breakfast." I quickly get up from the bed. God! How can I forget about it?

Instead of seeing a satisfaction look on Kim's face when she finally caught me not doing my task, I saw Kim threw me a bewildered look. I gazed back at her in daze and quickly looked down to check my entire body. My night shirt was finely hung on my petite frame. There's nothing wrong with me.

Realizing I'm in confuse, Kim finally spoke up. "Did you forget that we are in London?" Kim sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as if she was trying to stifle laughter. I hurriedly brushed my gaze around the room. The tom was right! It was not my room back in Thailand. This was the room that we checked in yesterday. How could I forget that?

"Hurry up. Get your change." Kim said as she rose from her feet. "We are going to stroll around this city today." She added and walked delicately to the couch. Then it dawned upon me that Kim was already in her perfect outfit - she wore a yellow round neck shirt, pitch black pants and matched it with a black leather jacket. She always looked good and no need to mention the rest. She would never fail to impress any girls who have a look at her for the first time. Me? I'm sick with it already.

"I want to take a shower." I said to her and saw she nodded.

"Go ahead my lady but please hurry up. We are running out of time." Kim tapped on her wristwatch in warning gesture. Why did we need to hurry anyway? I want to ask but I know it would be pointless. We would end up quarrelling over a small matter early in the morning.

As soon as I stepped out from the bathroom, Kim's figure was nowhere to be seen. Where did she go? She didn't even tell me. Did I take too long in the shower that she had no choice but to leave me for the errand? I glanced to the digital clock on the desk beside the couch; I didn't take that long though. It was just five minutes. I already get myself dressed inside the bathroom. No way I would go naked when the pervert psychopath Kimhan Jittaleela in the room with me. That would be a great danger. When I thought she left me for real, suddenly Kim emerged from the door, talking to somebody on the phone. There she was; being too mysterious since we arrived here. First, she didn't allow me to have a look at her phone and today, she talked to someone. Come on! Who could that possibly be? She said it's her first time to be in London. Did she already make friends with local people here? I don't think so. Don't you dare to think I am jealous. I'm not and would never will. I'm just... curious. Yes! That's the right term.

"Done?" Kim asked to me when she ended the call. I nodded my yes. I watched Kim arranged her steps to me and ridiculously I couldn't move any single bone of my skeleton. She brushed her gaze at me from my head to toe before she smiled sheepishly. I frowned for that reaction.

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