34. London; Day 5

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Pie's POV

"Pie, we'll have a little adventure for the rest of our days here." Kim beamed at me. She stretched out her hand to my direction and I have to take a hold on it because she was walking in a reverse direction. Does she know that she might injure herself if she did stumble on her feet or what not? I have to tell you that somehow, it was not only me who could act that childish; Kim was such an immature adult too. Speaking about our plan for the rest of our days left in London, we're heading to somewhere I have no idea at all where Kim would take me to. This morning, she asked me to pack all of our stuffs and we did check out from the hotel. When I questioned her of where we would head to, she left me with no answer - typical Kimhan Jittaleela.

"Pie, aren't you excited?" Kim shook my hand, waking me up from my moment of contemplation. I shifted my gaze at her just to find she grinned at me while wagging her eyebrows in addition to her expression of excitement. I wonder when she learnt to have a little expression while saying something to others. The former Kimhan Jittaleela I have ever known was expressionless, oh perhaps she was not; I hate her when she puckered her lips into a smirk, remember?

"Pie!" She squeezed my hand.

"What?" I shot her a confusing look.

"Aren't you excited to have a little adventure with me?" She asked again.

"I had gone through an 'adventurous' life even before I met you, Kim. There was no exciting part about it." I said to her and saw Kim scowled in response.

"Perhaps you should meet me much earlier. I can replace your torturous days with a good life." Kim said in the matter of her discerning. She couldn't be that serious. Couldn't she? I don't think I had a good time when I first happened to meet her. She brought be through hell!

"Oh please Kim! You did torment me with your attitude and all cold treatment! Did you call that a good life?" I rolled my eyes. Kim stifled a laugh but the gaze she was giving me was a longing one. I hate to be gazed in such a way. She made me flushed for no reason. The look in her eyes sent some sort extremely strange feel inside me; I have grown up but she made me feel like a shy teenager who is just about to learn about crush and love matter.

"You should have known I was doing that because I have fallen for you since we first met." Kim said quickly before turning herself away from me. She positioned herself to a correct walking position and arranged her long strides, leaving me behind.

"Pardon me?" I quickened my pace. Her movement came to a halt when I clutched my hand to her arm. Kim managed a slow pace when she felt I squeezed her arm in demanding urge. She glanced at me but pretending that she didn't.

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows - innocent.

"Don't what me! I heard you say something earlier. What was it?"

"Did I?" She queried to me. I nodded immediately, admitting that my hearing was true and I just needed an assurance from her.

"Look! We are here!" Kim exclaimed and pointed a finger to a direction. Distracted with the eagerness in her voice, I traced the gesture and ended up seeing a lot of caravans or even motor homes parked at their specific spots at a vast site.

"What are we going to do here?" I turned to look at Kim. A wide smile appeared on her face, showing how delighted she was with the sight.

"Isn't it obvious? We are going to caravanning!" Kim grinned in satisfaction. "Don't you like it, Pie?" Kim gazed at me at any instant. The excitement on her face gradually faded away when I didn't even return any sign of excitement on my face. I found it was such a good timing to tease this tom.

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