2. Pie's Mission

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Chapter 2 : Pie's Mission

Pie's House

Pie sat alone on the old couch, staring blankly to the ceiling of her small house. Could she call her place as a house? It didn't look like one but she was lucky that at least she had a place for shelter. What did everyone expect the houses in slum area could be? Of course they wouldn't be far from perfect to be called home. The house she used to stay consisted of two rooms, a small part where she could consider being the kitchen and fortunately, she had a bathroom in the house too. Million thanks to the owner of the not – so – call house, P'Boy. She rented the house from that squid and lived with her one and only younger sister, Hongyok.

Pondering on what had happened to her, it was indeed a bad day for Pie. She lost her money and entangled by a 'fateful' incident, she bumped into an arrogant yet closefisted tomboy! Pie admitted that she made a wrong move but then she had no choice and again, why that tom got to be so boastful and annoying?

"Penny for your thoughts, P'Pie?" Hongyok's voice brought Pie back to reality. The younger girl just got home from school.

"Done with your class today? I supposed you shouldn't be home right now?" Pie asked. The clock struck 3.00 p.m. and Hongyok would usually come home late in the evening. It was rather unusual to have her at home around this early hour.

"Oh, yes. The lecturer cancelled our class for today." Hongyok nodded. She put her bag on the coffee table and threw herself beside Pie. Pie knew what the younger one will do; she willingly let her lap to be Hongyok's pillow.

"How was your school? Is everything fine?" Pie asked. She caressed Hongyok's hair carefully. The love of an elder sister flew in her touch.

"The teacher asked for the fees." Hongyok sighed. "I got to earn extra money this month." She added.

"I wish I can help you." Guilt enveloped the elder sister. Hongyok was doing a part time job after her class in order to support their living. Pie realised that Hongyok shouldn't do that yet she couldn't help much.

"It's fine P'Pie. It isn't a big deal." Hongyok tried to cheer up the situation.

"I'm sorry..." Pie gave a faint smile to Hongyok. Pie was jobless. It was not because she didn't want to work but none of the employee out there wanted to hire her. Pie didn't have a good education background. She didn't even have the opportunity to finish her study. She quit from school and gave the chance for Hongyok to pursue her studies. The current job she had worth only a small portion of their expenses. Eventually, the monthly earning they had wasn't enough to meet the demand of their need.

"There's nothing to apologise." Hongyok cut Pie before she could say anything more. "You're the most amazing sister I have on this world." Hongyok knew it right that Pie had sacrifice a lot for her.

"I'll find a way to change our life." Pie assured it to Hongyok. The two siblings stared into each other eyes, building a silence understanding. The gazes gave them courage and the most important thing was, they still have each other to rely on, to share the love and to face any obstacles in their life.

"Something is bothering you right?" Hongyok suddenly remembered that Pie didn't answer her question earlier.

"I had a bad day, today." Pie rolled her eyes. Her argument with the arrogant tomboy kept flashing in her mind. How could she forget Kimhan Jittaleela?

"What happened to you?" Hongyok was all curious.

"I met this haughty tom and she ruined my day." Pie scoffed. The name of Kimhan Jittaleela came across her mind. Pie remembered vividly how Kimhan Jittaleela kept insulting her as a poor girl. If it wasn't because that tom has helped her, she would surely crush Kimhan Jittaleela into pieces.

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