5. A Day With Ms.Gold Digger

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Kim took a glance to Pie and focused back to the road. They are on their way home. It was indeed a tense night after all. When she was about to give up with her future, the girl beside her suddenly changed her mind and stood up for rescue. Entangled by a fateful silly incident two days ago, they happened to meet with each other. They started as a totally strangers but soon their life will change tremendously by an arranged engagement which bound them together with a hold of relationship.

"I don't have any idea on what you have in your mind but.. thanks." Kim said to Pie who is so deep in her own thinking.

"I don't know what's wrong with my brain too but that half million dollars is so interesting." Pie grinned from ear to ear. If Kim could see how sparkling her eyes right now, that tom will surely see the ' $ ' in her eyes.

"You were thinking about the money all way long." Kim rolled her eyes. She can't believe that Pie could be this materialistic. "I hope you won't regret anything." She added.

"Regret? I haven't think about it yet." Pie giggled. "Look what we got tonight. An advanced present from your parents." Pie showed a bunch of keys to Kim. The clanking sound of them filled the car. It is the key for a bungalow. Mr.Jittaleela gave to them as an advanced gift for their engagement.

"And you have to remember what he told us. You have to move in and live with me." Kim reminded Pie. Mr.Jittaleela gave the bungalow to them for purpose. He wanted Pie to live with Kim. It was his condition and Kim has no power to object anything from her father.

"Did he say that?" Pie is a bit startled. She can't recall if that middle age man told them so.

"Yes, Pie Mindara. It is an order." Kim scoffed. Pie must be spacing out all the time. All this Miss Gold Digger knows is wealth and luxurious stuffs.

"Kimhan, how should I tell my sister about it? She will flood me with thousand questions if I left the house and live with you." Pie bit her fingers. Her thought met a blunt end. She doesn't know how she would explain everything to Hongyok. The things that happened between her and Kimhan is too complicated.

"I thought your younger sister is your 'created sister' in front of my parents." Kim is quite surprise. All way long, she thought that Pie only told a white lie to her parents.

"No! That isreally my background. I have a sister. Her name is Hongyok." Pie scowled.

"How should I know." Kim mumbled. She found that Pie is kinda a mood swinger.

"You settled it yourself. All I know, we have to obey Papa's order." Kim left it all to Pie without having an effort to help that girl.

"I hate you, Kimhan." Pie said out of sudden.

"You are going to fall for me someday." Kim countered Pie's hatred statement and smirked.

"In your dream." Pie stuck out her tongue to Kim. That tom annoyed her.

"Stop it, Pie. I'm tired. You're so noisy." Kim sighed. "Where is your house. Let me drop you there." Kim slowed down her car as they reach the area where she dropped Pie last night.

"Just stop at that workshop." Pie requested. She won't allow Kim to know her house.

"Seriously Pie, where do you live?" Kim stepped on the brake pedal immediately. Lucky them there are no vehicles on the road at that time. Night is getting late.

"Just drop me at that workshop." Pie confirmed it to Kim with her brittle confident voice. She realized that Kim is gazing to her with her impatient gaze. The cruel Kim is back.

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