26. I Miss You

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It was not like any other morning where Kim usually woke up by the sound of her 'human alarm clock'; Pie knocking on the door. Today, in the midst of dead silence and calmness, an exhilarating and rewarding experience came to greet her as soon as she regained her full consciousness. Kim refused to believe her sight for the place first but as much as she tried to deny it, the more it came to her realization that Pie was actually sleeping next to her and not only that, the girl's little limb wrapped securely around hers. Pie was sleeping soundly like a baby and by looking to the steady rise and fall of her chest; Kim could tell that Pie was so deep in her slumber.

"Pie..." Kim called the name. However, the girl showed no response to it.

"Pie Mindara..." Kim called again and by now she heard a soft moan as reply.

Chuckled on her own, Kim decided to let the girl sleep for a little more minutes. She brought her hand to the girl's hair, playing and brushing the soft fragrance brunette hair with her fingers. She started to wonder what made this angel here, in the same bed as her. The last thing she could recall was the moment her nose bled and by any possibilities, she could predict something has gone wrong right after the moment.

"Pie, how could we get here?" Kim asked to the girl.

"You passed out yesterday and the doctor told me you won't wake up until the next morning." Pie growled upon answering the tom.

"Oh, okay." Kim nodded knowingly. In a split second, the girl in her embrace bolted up from the bed, staring to her in disbelief.

They gazed into each other eyes for the longest seconds before Pie spoke up. "You are awake."

"Yes?" Kim feigned a smile.

"It's good then." Kim watched the girl dropped herself to the bed again before she rolled on her side.

"I slept for a very long hours." Kim said to the girl.

"Indeed you are and look what you have done to me..." Pie pouted. "You made me sleep here." The girl added, sour expression written all over her drowsy face.

Pie saw Kim raised her perfect eyebrows to her and the corner of her lips curved up into a teasing smile. "I bet you are so glad to have a huggable giant teddy bear." She knew the tom was up to something.

"You're a giant skeleton." Pie recoiled. Flushed yet embarrassed by the thought that she hugged Kim in her sleep, Pie tore her gaze away from the tom.

"What time is it Pie? I need to go to the office." Kim queried, sending a little spark of confusion mixed with utmost startled to Pie.

"You are sick. How could you have that thought of going to the office?" Pie asked out of her dissatisfaction upon Kim's decision.

Instead of answering the girl, Kim got up from the bed and walked to her wardrobe. Pie knew it; Kim was trying to avoid any further conversation with her.

"Kim..." Pie called out, impatient with the cold treatment in the morning.

Kim turned around to look to her. "I had missed a lot of my tasks these past few days. Moreover, if I'm not working today, who is going to feed you Pie?" The response slipped clearly from the tom's mouth. Guilt started to envelope Pie, realizing she had partially caused the troubles in Kim's life.

"I'm going to prepare your breakfast." Pie said.

"No need to do that." Kim responded immediately.

"I'll just have my breakfast at the office." The tom told her. "Don't push yourself to work that hard. You need to rest until you are completely recovered." Kim started to elaborate her real mean of the statement, noticing that Pie frowned over the matter.

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