4. Meet Jittaleela

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Inside Kimhan's White Lamborghini Gallardo

"OMG! What should I do with that 50,000 Dollars?" Pie can't stop smiling and even daydreaming with a large sum of money she will get later on. She should plan it well and of course she will give some part of it to Hongyok. Her sister needs that for her studies.

"Oh Lord! What was my sin in my previous life? You arranged me to meet with a wrong person!" Kimhan on the other hands cursed herself because she did a stupid offer to Pie, the gold digger. From time to time she kept glancing to Pie who seemed so happy with her own world. Every time Pie smiling back to her, she will shake her head and try as hard as she could to deny that she just indulge a gold digger into her life.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Pie yelled out of sudden. She started to feel irritate when Kim often threw her annoying gaze to her. It was like she has done a terrible mistake to that tom.

"What? It is you who are so annoying!" Kim hissed.

"I didn't do anything to you." Pie scowled. Kim knew Pie being sulky when that girl folded her arms and looked away.

"I don't understand why do I have to meet you at this moment." Kim mumbled. She didn't know that Pie could hear it clearly.

"It is called fate!" Pie replied without even looking to that tom.

"No. It is not fate. It is called disaster! A huge disaster to meet a gold digger like you." Kim scoffed.

"Hey! It was you who offered me that sum of money. I never asked it from you." Pie couldn't stand Kimhan any longer. Kim is too much. She doesn't understand why Kim got to hate her that much when she didn't harm that tom at all.

"Whatever! All I know, you have to make tonight's plan successful and right after that I don't want to have any business with you." Kim sighed. Talking about the money she will lost tonight just added to her headache.

"I will follow all your plan but, give me the cheque first." Pie smirked. This is her turn to threat Kimhan Jittaleela.

"No. You won't have it until your task is done." Kim shook her disagreement. This Pie is so cunning.

"Then, I won't help you. Go and find another girl. I bet you won't find any girl who is willing to help arrogant and stingy tom like you!" Pie flashed her sarcastic smile. She found it is funny when Kimhan Jittaleela doesn't have girlfriend yet. The question is, whose on Earth want to date arrogant tom like Kimhan Jittaleela? The answer is NO ONE!

"Shit." Kim gritted her teeth as she tried to control her fuming anger. Pie made her blood boil.

"You're so desperate, aren't you?" Pie charged at Kim. She didn't care even if Kim glared to her with her death stare. It was so fun to make Kimhan Jittaleela got angry.

"Shut up." Kim took out her aggression by punching the steering wheels. Her sudden action made Pie shocked.

"Okay. I will help you and I'll take the cheque after I did my task." Pie sighed. She doesn't know why she could be soft hearted with Kimhan Jittaleela. Everything happened out of her control.

"Good." Kim said coldly. After that, every second passed in silence. Kim sunk in her own thought while Pie kept pondering on what will happen tonight. Kim didn't tell her any detail about her task. All she knew, she has to pretend to be Kimhan's girlfriend. In a simple word, Kimhan's fake girlfriend.

"Kimhan, are we going to buy a new clothes for me?" Pie asked excitedly and at the same time she tried to lessen the tense in the air. The frown on Kimhan's face just create an uncomfortable moment inside the moving car.

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