10. Jealousy?

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"Be patient, Pie. This is just for awhile." Pie cooed herself. Inhale. Exhale. She took her breath while composing her burning resentment. Ten minutes ago, she just had a little quarrel with Kim. Do you want to know what was the cause? It was just a matter who will do the dishes after the dinner. You know already who won the fight. Of course that boastful, arrogant, annoying and cruel Kimhan Jittaleela would empower everything.

"I shouldn't help that tom from the beginning." Pie complained to the forks and spoons.

"If murdered someone wasn't a crime, I have long ago use you Mr.Fork and Mrs.Spoon to dig and scoop Kim's eyeballs like I used to eat ice - cream." She sneered to her cruel cunning idea. "Oh, this butter knife is much useful too." Pie picked the item from its place. "I shall use you to diminish Kim's super ugly smirk like I used to spread butter on bread." Pie cackled along with her imagination.

"Why do I have to do all of these? Did she think I am her maid?"

"This is so UNFAIR!!!" Pie purposely piped her voice to the highest volume with the intention that it would reach to Kim's hearing. However, everything seemed impossible. Kim has long minutes ago gone to her room. Pie knew it well. Kim never liked her for who ever she is. All she has to do is, to endure everything until the end of hundred days.


Glancing to the clock, Pie noticed that the night was still young for them. Her eyes then caught the small white board hanging perfectly on the fridge. She just moved it right there yesterday. It is much noticable because they often took stuffs from the fridge. Tiptoeing to her targeted place, Pie scanned to the hanging board thoroughly. It is just day four and there are long days to go to end her suffering life with this tom.

"Keep calm Pie. Don't fret." Pie talked to herself again. "You can do this Pie. Do this for the sake of half million dollar." She cheered herself with the enermous happiness in later days.

"What should I do now?"

"Ugh, it's better to go straight to the room."


Pie's room

The thought of going to bed straight away was distorted once Pie saw loads of shopping bags in her room. She surely had so much fun today with Kim's mother. Mrs.Jittaleela bought a lot of stuffs for her. From clothes to handbags and to the shoes. Every single item Pie got for free.

She was about to check for her favorite blouse when her eyes laid on a white paper bag. It contained the shirt for Kim. Pie reluctantly reached out her hand to the bag and took out the baby blue shirt. Lifting it up to the air, for a clearer view, a thought came to poke her mind. "Will Kim like this shirt?"

"What if it doesn't suit Kim's taste?" brooded Pie. She checked on the shirt again to her precise details. She found it cool enough but who knows what would that tom said about it.

"Wait? Why should I bother that much?" Pie knocked her own head, cursing herself for behaving such way. "I'll just give this to her and left." Pie rose up from the bed. With all her mighty heart, she stepped bravely to Kim's room. Wish her all the best.


The door of Kim's room was ajar and by the noise heard from inside, Pie knew that tom hasn't sleep yet. "Come in." Before Pie could even raise up her hand to knock on the door, Kim was the first to voice out from inside. It was out of Pie's expectation. How could Kim realize her presence?

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