20. Hurtful Refusal

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"It's good that we are home." The petite girl jumped out of the car, taking in the fullest content of the humid air into her lungs. It's almost noon when they left the Jittaleela's Residence and it was such a relief to Pie when she could finally escape the golden cage. It supposed to delight her that she could at last living her dream life - having a great shelter to live in, had no lack of luxurious things but then she found things were not in their right place. She was terrified with her own dream and yet she was still clueless for the anxiety.

The stinging sun ray of the tropical climate started to invade her every inch of skin. No one would ever bear the heat of almost 40°C but miraculously they survived. "Kim, hurry up! Unlock the door for me. Are you trying to let me be a roasted Pie?" The girl turned around just to find the tom wandering around their yard aimlessly.

"KIMHAN!" The girl shouted when she got no response from the tom.

"Hey what's wrong?" Pie watched how the tom hurriedly made her way to her.

"Unlock the door and let me get into the house." Pie growled.

"I thought you see something else." Kim murmured softly in between her breath. The next seconds Pie knew the tom gestured her to get into the house.

"What should I see?" Pie asked instead of making her way straight to her room.

"It's nothing." Kim shrugged innocently.

"I know that face and the tone of your voice." Pie stepped forward, closing the distance between them. "You lied to me."

"We can see it later." Kim said and she could tell that Pie's curiosity arisen in the air. "You don't want to be a roasted Pie right? Neither do I want that." She added.

"If you don't want tell me, I will figure it out myself." Pie snapped and in no time she rushed to leave the house.

"Pie, wait!" Kim ran after her. "Are you sure of what are you looking for?" Kim smirk cracked into a soft chortle.

"Didn't I say that I will figure it out? I will figure it out."

"Alright, let me take you there." Kim sighed and at the same time she took out a piece of cloth from her pocket.

"What is it for?" Pie alarmed.

"I need to close your eyes. Shall we?" Kim asked but before Pie could even answer her, she has already reached out to blindfold Pie.

"Do we really have to do this?" Pie seemed disagree with the idea. Kim could mean more harm to her. It was too soon to trust the promises that the tom had said to her.

"I don't mean any harm and all you will see for the next moment is your happiness." Kim assured it to the girl.

"You made me nervous." Pie complained. In the mean time she tried to compose herself, her thought wandered around for any probability and possibility for the surprise she would see.

"You will like it." Kim said. "And now, hold my hand. I will lead you to the place."

"Please don't take too long. It's kind of hot now." Pie complained again with her childish manner.

"I have told you that we can see it later and now you're complaining. You are such an impatient girl." It's time for Kim to counter their argument about the matter.

"I hate you Kim."

"Why did I heard it as; I love you Kim?" Kim jested.

"In your dream!" Pie nixed.


"We are here." Kim told Pie. "Are you ready for the surprise?"

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