37. Friend to a Foe

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Pie's POV

Throughout the days I have been living together with Kim, she made me believe that home is where the heart is. Kim said to me that true home is the place where you would always long to be and it was not only that; home is where you live with the persons you loved the most. However, these past few days, I started to doubt it again. I tried to shove away every negative thought that came to my mind but the more I insisted to take it in a positive way, the more I was hurt. Our home wasn't the home it used to be. It wasn't warm and comfortable; it was now deserted and cold. This huge bungalow seemed bigger than it looked, the dead silence scared me and what come to worst I felt so lonely of being left alone. I rarely meet Kim even though we do live under the same roof. She was too preoccupied with her works that she didn't have time for anyone else; that including me.

Things weren't the same after a few days we got back from the vacation. Kim would leave in the early of the morning to her work place and wouldn't come home till the late in the night. There was one or two times where I managed to make her seated and ate the breakfast I had cooked but most of the time, the moment I was awakened from my sleep, she wasn't at my side. Every night, I would wait for her to come home at the living room but the next thing I knew, I was awakened in the middle of the night in my own bedroom and every time it happened, I would sneak into her room and slept with her. My heart was aching to the thought that Kim was trying to distance herself from me but I guessed I shouldn't think in such a way. Kim often reminded me to stop thinking nonsense and I shouldn't doubt her as well.

The clock struck 12.00 A.M. It was yet another new day to begin with. Today, I decided to wait for Kim again. I lost the count of how much coffee I had taken but it has become my loyal companion since a few hours ago. Some doses of the caffeine can help my brain from shutting down that easy. I needed to stay awake; I yearned to see Kim. My misses to her was too much that I couldn't contain it anymore - it was killing me inside. Forty five minutes later, I heard the clicking sound of the door. It was being unlocked from the outside. My internal mind was battling whether I should get the door and see Kim at the very moment or stay still and wait. It seemed that the latter won the argument. I sat on the couch, expecting Kim to walk pass through the living room. From the distance, I saw her stepping inside. She has the briefcase on her right hand side while her left hand was holding a pile of papers. Kim was trying to close the door behind her when suddenly the papers slipped away from her held. They fell helplessly on the floor in mess. The voice of her; grunting and cursing echoed through the hall. She sighed loudly as she picked them up one by one.

Pitied to see her with the difficulties, I made my way to her. Kim stopped abruptly when she caught my presence. She slumped back at the wall in shock when she saw me. I wasn't a ghost and our home wasn't a haunted abandoned building. She didn't need to react that way though. I'm her girl.

"Pie..." Kim gasped. I was in conflict on how I should react and I decided to smile at her instead.

"How could you be this careless?"I knelt down and gathered the papers without even looking at her. Kim seemed not to recover from the shock as she stared at me bewilderingly.

"I thought you were asleep." Kim said. I turned to look at her. How long have I had not seen this face? Kim looked miserable. The dark circles around her eyes proved it. Her hair was getting longer yet she had lost a lot of weight judging from the look of her cheeks.

"I'm waiting for you." I told her and handed her the papers. Kim smiled weakly at me and I could have sworn that I wanted to cry at the moment. It has been too long that I didn't see the enchanted smile. It dawned on me that missed her a lot.

"The projects are killing me." Kim tore her gaze away from me - looking guilty herself.

"I know." I took her briefcase and stood up. "Have you had your dinner?" I asked her.

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