22. A 'Deathly' Fight

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A few hours ago...

"Pie, could you cook for our lunch today?" Kim queried as soon as they were done with their breakfast.

Amused by the silly question, the girl raised her perfect eyebrows to the tom with a mocking gesture. "I always do that." Pie let out a soft chortle.

"Good. You shall prepare it for three this noon." Kim said before she picked up her belongings, getting ready to go to work.

"Why three? Do we have a special guest today?" It surprised the girl out of her expectation.

"Sure." The tom nodded and before Pie could ask for more, the latter had already made her way leaving the kitchen.

"Who is the guest?" The girl asked as expected.

"Your sister. Call her to join us for lunch." Kim bellowed from afar. "It is an order. Make sure she is here before I come back from the office." The reminder slipped clearly to Pie's hearing before Kim's figure gone from her sight.

Current time...

"P', do you live here? This house is huge... and luxurious." The teenage girl gasped to the completely bizarre environment which lay to her view. The awkward feeling grew stronger as she stepped into the huge bungalow. For the first time ever, she was invited to such good place, far more different from the slum area where she used to live for years.

"This is Kim's house and yeah I do live here." Pie nodded her answer. She studied her younger sister's reaction. The girl was wandering around the house in awe. She brought her fingers to touch every element around the dining hall like a curious little girl. Once, she stopped at the corner of the hall, staring to a huge paint hanging on the wall admiringly. Pie wondered what the girl was thinking about.

"P..." Hongyok turned around to look for her sister. "What are you really doing here? Don't you tell us that you're working as a personal assistant for Boss?" The girl asked with a sour suspicious in her tone.

"Yes I am." Pie realized it was not the time to fret with the arising suspicion. She needed to cover up all the lies she had set up all this while. The secret between her and Kim should not be disclosed to Hongyok.

"Why are you staying at home and be more like a maid? P', you know you can always tell me anything. I am your sister." The girl queried, dissatisfied.

Pie was trapped for a fleeting moment, Hongyok wasn't a little docile child to be fooled around, and the teenager was big enough to understand the norm of life. It hurt Pie that she couldn't tell her sister the truth behind her stay in the house but everything seemed complicated to be explained in a short time."Don't you see it, I am a personal assistant." Pie spoke. "I'm helping Kim with every personal matter; like cooking for example. I'm responsible in arranging her private life."The elder stuttered. She didn't think it does make a good sense of an answer but she needed to cover up the lies.

"It sounds so weird here." Pie saw the teenager mused, overwhelmed with doubt.

"Look, what had I done is worth the payment right? You got to pay for your tuition fee and what not. Kim had helped us a lot so it's fine for me to do the same in return. I've developed my cooking skill as well. Now stop wondering and help me to set up the table. Kim will be here in any minutes." Pie said long and at the same time, she tried to avoid more questions from her younger sister.

"I thought I am the guest here. Do I need to help you?" The girl pouted.

"Yes you're Hongyok Chansakorn and you should have come much earlier to help me." Pie shot a look to the teenager. "Why did it take so long for you to reach here and who took you to this place?" Pie wondered. When Hongyok did arrive to the place earlier, she didn't see any transportation around the main entrance. It was impossible that the girl did walk for a great distance from their home to this housing area.

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