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SHE WAS WOKEN UP BY THE SOUND OF SOME UPBEAT MUSIC COMING FROM SCOTT'S ROOM. The girl for up from her bed, still in her pj's and she walked towards the werewolf's room as she put her hair on a high messy ponytail, knocking even if the door was open.

"What on Earth are you doing?" She asked the guy as he got on the ground again after doing exercise. He tossed the the book towards the pile before looking at her with a smile. "Are you... reading?"

He nodded. "Yeah, uhm... I got into reading over the summer." The laptop beeped and he looked over to it. "'Ephemeral'," he read out loud. "Lasting for a short time. Transient. Momentary."

Amelia raised her eyebrows as he saw towards his biceps, making her so confused she had to ask.

"What on Earth happened to you while I was gone? You are studying for the SATs?" Scott chuckled before nodding. "I can't believe I'm gonna say this, McCall, but I'm really proud of you."

The werewolf chuckled. "Have you talked to Stiles?"

The girl bit her lip before laying her back on the opened door.

No, she hadn't talked to Stiles since the deer incident, and she knew Scott had asked her to spend the day with him and Stiles and she had to eventually talk to the guy. She just was hoping to ignore the problem until it went away.

Like Stiles does.

"For that comment," she started, making the guy raise his eyebrows. "I'm not making you Scottish breakfast."

The girl started to walk away through the aisle, hearing the complains of the werewolf as she laughed.

She felt good to be back.

After breakfast, she started to get ready for school. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she noticed that she missed this bathroom, she missed the McCall house.

She really missed Beacon Hills, and she missed everyone. Including Stiles.

That's why, she needed to talk to him. She needed to figure out the way of being friends or even fixing their relationship a bit. She didn't know if he was the one that wanted to get back together with her.

"Would you hurry up!?" Lizzie yelled from the other side of the door. "It's my first day in High School and I would prefer if I don't smell like a monkey!"


• • •

Amelia parked outside the school and she saw Lizzie's eyes growing big as she stared at the building. The girl chuckled a bit when she noticed how excited her sister was.

"Okay, Liz," she started, "try to make friends and listen to every thing Lydia told you. That girl ran the school in the first day of freshman year, so try to make a statement. Or... find your Scott and Stiles and stick close."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now