[ f o r t y t h r e e ]

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ik u r all excited to know
why did Stiles "cheat" but I would not touch
it much in this book but rather
in the next one, when Malia joins the pack

sorry for keeping u waiting enjoy tho

AUTHOR'S NOTE NOVEMBER 19th: bruh i've been re-reading this thing and why did I do this lol LMAOOOOO uhmmmmmmm yeah i wouldn't forgive stiles. just keep reading its a good plot but uhm i'm just gonna say that me, 10 months later this was originally published, does not agree with this plot at all lol u r welcomed to hate stiles but keep reading

f o r t y t h r e e
t w o o f t h e m

f o r t y  t h r e et w o  o f  t h e m

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She couldn't, she couldn't see him.

She just decided to stay in the living room, watching as Kira's mom was standing there, staring at her.

"So..." Amelia started. "You're like... 900 years old?" The woman glanced at her.

"Mostly." Amelia nodded slowly. "Are you the one that stabs herself constantly?"

The girl scoffed. "I did it once... And how have you heard about me?"

"I didn't hear it... I saw it." Amelia frowned. "There's an aura following Scott all the time. The aura of an archer."

She didn't know how to feel about that.

"An aura?" Amelia asked. "An aura of an archer," she repeated in disbelief, making the woman chuckle.

"Yes," she replied softly. "It follows him around, like a visual representation of the strength and protection you give them."

"Follows him?" The woman nodded. "Huh... nice."

They saw as Scott and Melissa appeared on the entrance to the living room, holding Stiles and helping him walk. Amelia raised her eyebrows before looking at Kira's mom, curious.

"Do you recognize me, hmm?" Questioned the woman, making Amelia turn around to look at Stiles as he nodded softly, walking towards her.

"Stop," begged Kira to her mother as she walked in the house, making Amelia look at the girl.

"It's okay," assured Stiles and Amelia look towards her boyfriend as he stepped forward. "I'm the one who asked her to come."

Kira quickly interrupted. "You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords."

The plan was to make the oni do their supernatural check, to see if he was the nogitsune or just... Stiles.

"Mom, don't do this to him," begged her Kira again.

"It's already done," her mother replied and Amelia quickly stood up.

"If I had known you were gonna stab my boyfriend with swords, I wouldn't have been so welcoming." The woman raised her eyebrows in her direction. "I'll take that as my clue to shut up."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now