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t h i r t e e n
m o t e l  c a l i f o r n i a

t h i r t e e nm o t e l  c a l i f o r n i a

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THE SCHOOL BUS PARKED IN FRONT OF A MOTEL. Amelia got out of the bus in confusion joined by Stiles, Scott, Amelia, Lydia and Lizzie, who looked at the motel with, let's say, not a happy smile in their faces.

It was already dark and the only thing Amelia wanted to do was sleep. She was tired of the whole 'healing for two people' situation, and she only wanted to rest.

"I've seen worse," told Scott to Stiles and Amelia as they stared at the building. She was only looking for a bed and a pillow.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles questioned to his best friend.

The Coach blew his whistle, getting everyone's attention.

"Listen up," Coach told the group. "The meeting's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves." Coach lifted the keys. "You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely."

Allison and her looked at each other and nodded. They knew that Lizzie and Lydia would be together, so the two hunters decided to stick close.

Amelia proceeded to grab one of the keys while Stiles grabbed another one. Allison joined Amelia with a smile as the coach kept yelling.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

She noticed how Lizzie stopped walking, making her let go off Stiles hand and looked at the too.

"Lydia?" Lizzie called her.

"I don't like this place," was the thing the strawberry blonde said, making Amelia look at her strangely.

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place," was the thing Amelia mentioned, but Lizzie was still looking at Lydia. "It's just for a night."

Amelia turned around before joining Allison, and she could swore she heard Lydia whisper something.

"A lot can happen in one night..."

• • •

Amelia entered Scott and Stiles room as they asked her too. They had sent her a text telling her to meet them back in their room for some reason she was now going to understand.

The girl laid on Stiles's bed while he laid next to her. Scott proceeded to jump onto his bed. The two best friends were staring at the ceiling while Amelia was texting in her phone.

how are you feeling?

besides for having to stay in a motel
that screams horror movie? never
been better

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now