[ t w e n t y s e v e n ]

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t w e n t y  s e v e n
o p e n  d o o r

t w e n t y  s e v e no p e n  d o o r

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Isaac was scrubbing the end of the ice cream cup with his spoon, trying to get the most amount possible while Amelia was eating all the popcorn.

"Would you guys shut up?" Scott questioned and the two looked at them. Scott showed them the file of Amelia that they had taken from Ms. Morrell's office. "I'm trying to read and you guys are making too much noise."

"Jeez, doggie..."

The three were sitting on Amelia's bed. While Scott was reading the file her and Isaac had read several times before, when Scott, Stiles and Allison were in the water, Isaac and Amelia had emptied the fridge and had started eating all the food they could find.

Isaac approached Amelia's hand with his mouth and took a bite from the popcorn she was holding, making her glance at him with her mouth full.

"Get your own!" She said, muffled due to the food.

"Try swallowing," Isaac said, but his mouth was full too. The only thing it provoked was both of them to laugh.

"Guys!" Scott yelled. "This is serious."

"Crap, he got Alpha moody," whispered Amelia, pushing the bowl of popcorn away before looking at him. "So? Opinions?"

Scott exhaled. "I'm not sure she was documenting this for the Alphas," mentioned Scott. "I think this was personal research."

"How are you so sure?" Asked Isaac as he took Amelia's coke and drank from it, making Amelia hit him on the head. "Ouch..."

"Because they asked me why did I think Amelia was a sacrifice when she was taken. They had no idea she was a protector. They didn't even know she was a Sealgair," explained Scott. "They had no clue about you."

"Well, that hurts me a bit, you know?" Admitted Amelia. "I knew who they were."

"So why would Morrell want to keep an eye on Amelia?"

"Maybe she considered me a threat?" Assumed Amelia, raising her eyebrows.

"Or maybe..." Scott started. "She thought you were in danger."

• • •

"Hey," she greeted Stiles with a kiss before sitting next to him in Coach's class. "I forgot to tell you that me, Isaac and Scott went over Morrell's file on me."

"What did you guys find that you and Isaac hadn't found before?"

Amelia exhaled. "Absolutely nothing."

She looked up as Coach started the class. He went on and on about something with Danny over lacrosse and it didn't surprise her. He would always compare everything to lacrosse.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now