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"You guys have the look," was the thing Stiles told them as three were walking towards the house.

"What look?" Questioned Scott as Amelia held on to her bag, looking around.

"The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party!"

It was true. They were going to Stiles's childhood friend Heather's birthday party. Stiles insisted that he wanted to go to give the girl her present, ask her how she is doing and obviously, he forced Scott and Amelia to go with him.

After they declared they were on a break or no longer together (Amelia couldn't differentiate the two), they had agreed to be friends. She wanted to still talk to him, she loved him. And besides, Stiles knew a secret that she swore she'll remain hidden when she came back from Scotland, a secret that could end up in a lot of people hurt.

But yeah, she did not want to go to that party. She just wanted to stay home, maybe watch a movie and cry because her boyfriend officially broke up with her. Or ask her for a break. Or...

She didn't even know what was going on in her own life. If she told someone her situation they would tell her to get her life back together because yeah, it was indeed a complete mess.

"It just seems a little weird going to a different high school's party," told him Scott.

Amelia founded it weird enough that there was another high school in Beacon Hills.

"What? Oh, my God, one drink, alright?" Stiles insisted. "You guys will be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no..."

"Amelia?" The girl questioned and Stiles look away. "It'll be okay, Stiles, if you find a girl tonight, I won't be pissed. I will be surprised though, but I'll be happy for you."

She was just saying that because she knew that Stiles was terrible talking to girls and she was no afraid that neither of them were gonna get action tonight. She wasn't in the mood and Stiles is super awkward, which she loved.

She figured that if the two of them don't get any action, maybe something happened between them again and they will get back together. Or maybe not, she just had a lot of hope.

That was the only reason why she even agreed to go to the party in the first place for starters.

As they walked towards the entrance, Amelia was already regretting coming. Yeah, maybe Stiles probably wouldn't get anything tonight but, she was going to see him try. See him flirt with other girls.

You could say it was too soon since their break up but in fact, it wasn't. They've been apart for months, they are just now confirming it. He had plenty of time to move on.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now