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t w e l v e
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THEY HAD FOUND OUT WHY DID ETHAN KEEP CHECKING HIS PHONE. He had a sick relative that maybe won't make it through the night, and they suspected he referred to the Alpha that had died with Derek that night.

The idea of him being alive while Derek was dead was boiling Amelia's blood. She wanted to kill Ethan, kill Deucalion, kill that girl with claws instead of toenails. She just wanted to kill everyone.

"Now the rest of you!" Coach yelled, making Amelia look up. "Don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning, Jared," he called him to the dizzy kid sitting at the front. "We're gonna make this thing. Nothing is gonna stop us! Stilinski put your hand down."

Amelia turned around to look at Stiles before chuckling.

"You know, there's, like, a food exit about a half a mile up. I don't know if we stop and then maybe traffic..."

"We're not gonna stop," insisted the Coach, making Amelia sigh.

"Okay, but if we stop—"

"Stilinski!" Yelled the Coach before blowing the whistle, this one making Amelia close her eyes. "Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!"

Stiles laid down. "I hate him," he muttered before covering his mouth with his hand and sighing. "Did you call Deaton?"

Scott sighed. "I keep getting his voicemail."

"That's it. I'm calling Lizzie, Lydia and Allison," Stiles announced before taking out his phone, Amelia and Scott looking at him, confused.

He frowned. "How are they gonna help back in Beacon Hills?" Questioned Scott as Stiles was dialing.

"They're not. They've been following us for hours," let them know Stiles before placing the phone against his ear. "Pathetic..." he muttered.

She heard Lydia's voice muffled before Stiles talked again.

"I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker," he ordered, making Amelia raise her eyebrows. "Okay, look, Scott's still hurt... no he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning like, a black color... What's wrong with him? I don't... Do I have a PhD in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" He remained silent for a few seconds before talking again. "Yeah, I've been trying... Reason with him? Have you met this guy?"

Amelia saw as Stiles hung up the phone, standing up from the seat and walking towards the Coach, insisting again for him to let the bus stop.

"Coach, it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay?" Stiles told him. "We've been on this thing for, like, three hours..." The Coach interrupted him by blowing the whistle.

Amelia looked at them for a few seconds before getting closer to Scott, whispering to him.

"I can heal you," she told him and he shook his head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now