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She looked down to her phone's screen, staring at her text conversation with Stiles.

"Amelia!" She heard someone yelling and she looked towards the side, seeing Isaac running towards her.

"Isaac?" She questioned, confused, as he arrived to her side. She felt the hands of the werewolf being placed on her cheeks, softly. "What's going? Why did I get a 911 text from Stiles?"

They heard as the front door of the house opened, and Stiles got out of it quickly, running towards them.

Stiles pushed Isaac aside and stood in front of the girl, placing his hands on her cheeks, looking at her like he hadn't seen her in ages.

"You are okay..." he whispered.

"Stiles, you saw me like an hour ago, remember?"

Isaac proceeded to push Stiles aside, the same way he did him, looking at the girl. "I was over at Allison's and we discovered what the groups for the sacrifices are."

Stiles made his way into the couple again, confusing Amelia completely. "There are two groups left. Philosophers—"

"A-And Guardians!" Intervened Isaac again.

Amelia looked at them for a few seconds, breathing heavily. "You mean..."

"We think they are starting with Guardians because of the body from yesterday. So we think it can be law enforcement or—"

"The literal meaning of Guardian—"

"Which means you!" Ended up saying Stiles. "You might be a sacrifice."

Amelia glanced at the two before starting to hyperventilate, looking away from the two guys.

"She's my girlfriend, I got this..."

"You haven't even asked her to be your girlfriend!"

"I will, but first I need to make sure she doesn't die."

"No, no... I will make sure she doesn't die. You just go with your little claws and fangs and get lost."

Their voices sounded so distant. She was getting dizzy, hearing Isaac and Stiles barking at each other while she walked towards the house, placing a hand on her forehead.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now