[ t h i r t y t w o ]

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t h i r t y  t w o
m i n d , h e a r t a n d s o u l

t h i r t y  t w om i n d ,  h e a r t  a n d  s o u l

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Amelia got on Scott's bike and started it while Stiles was shouting at her, trying to stop her.

But she was already driving away.

She felt cold, like shivering. She felt scared, lost, defenseless.


She had never driven a bike before, but she figured it wouldn't be much of a problem, until she almost crashed against a streetlight.

As soon as she arrived at the Argent building, she started climbing up. She knew the elevator would take too long, and she needed to know if Isaac was okay. If Isaac was hurt.

Besides, Isaac climbed that building all the time to talk to Allison so... how hard could it be?

She opened Allison's window just in time to see Argent and Allison burst into the room. The father and daughter looked at her as she stepped inside, running towards Isaac who was laying on the floor, trembling.

Shivering more like it.

"Isaac!" She called him.

"He's freezing," told Allison when she placed a hand on Isaac's neck. "He's like ice."

Amelia grabbed Isaac's cheek, turning his head so he looks at her. "Isaac, look at me..."

"What's happening to him? Can you feel anything?" Allison asked her in panic while Amelia was looking at Isaac.

"Just fear... a lot of fear," she replied softly. "Isaac, come on."

"Isaac, listen. You have to turn," told him Argent as he took control of the situation. "Look at me!" Argent slapped him on the cheek, making Amelia look at him. "You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn!"

He was trying to make him angry. He was trying to make him change into a werewolf.

Argent kept hitting him on the face, yelling for him to turn while Amelia and Allison were looking at the man, in panic.

They heard Isaac growling and he pushed Argent aside before laying his back against the bed, the three looking at him as he looked at Amelia.

"Did you see them? From the window... Did you see them?" He asked panting, making Amelia frown.

"Who?" She questioned softly, wiping out the tears from Isaac's face.

"They were five of them," he whispered and Amelia slowly stepped back a bit, looking at him, confused. A tear left his eye and she felt how he was still scared. "They wore black. I couldn't..." He stammered, sobbing. "I couldn't see their faces. They were covered."

Allison spoke. "What do you mean? Like masks?"

"One of them..." Isaac panted. "I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... Like a firefly," he muttered the last as his sight was lost, not looking at any of the three.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ² (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now