[ t w e n t y t w o ]

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t w e n t y t w o
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t w e n t y  t w om o t i v e

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Jennifer didn't let her escape just because she was a good person, but because she had a sweeter target in mind.


Scott, Allison and Stiles.

She wasn't the target. Amelia got carried along so that Derek would help Jennifer with the promise he would get Amelia back. She wasn't a sacrifice, she was just there to give motive.

But Argent was the final sacrifice, and she had to tell everyone.

At first, she thought of going to Derek's, but then she thought that Derek wouldn't do anything about it.

Second, she didn't want to see Stiles. She couldn't bare to see the painful look in his eyes when she tells them that she doesn't know if his dad is alive.

Third, she did not want to talk to Isaac, or Derek, or Scott because they were probably freaking out about their chests and heads bleeding. She could handle that conversation later.

So, she went to warn Argent.

Amelia spit some blood on the elevator before this one opened up, and she walked towards the door of the Argent apartment, noticing it was opened.

And they call themselves experienced hunters.

Amelia stepped inside, limping as she dragged her body through the hallway of the Argent apartment, hearing Allison's voice coming from the door to her right.

"She took Scott's mother, Stiles's father and Derek's protector. That's not a coincidence."

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that put your name up in large block letter on the elevator doors," she heard Stiles.

"She has the three sacrifices," talked Argent. "What would she want from me?"

Amelia was almost losing balance, so she place her hand on the wall before leaning against the door of the office, leaving a trail of blood behind her.

Stiles, Argent and Allison looked at her, with their eyes wide opened as she turned around, blood coming from her mouth.

"Because..." she talked, panting. "I'm not a sacrifice... You are..."

• • •

After Amelia cleaned herself up in Allison's bathroom, taking a shower. She looked at herself, noticing how her injuries were healing, and how the marks of the ropes were almost gone.

Amelia put on the clothes that Allison had lent her and stepped out of the bathroom, looking at the girl.

Allison quickly stood up from the bed and showed her the glass of water she was holding, extending it towards her so she could grab it.

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