chapter 35

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"Remind me again why I had to come with you?"

"C'mon, Jenna. It's Hogsmeade, not to mention almost Christmas! I just wanted to do some holiday gift shopping with my best friend!"

Jenna rolled her eyes as she hugged her jacket closer to her, snow falling as the temperature was near below freezing. "Y/N, I love you, don't get me wrong. But if I get frostbite, I won't hesitate to stupefy your sorry ass," she grumbled out, the girl next to her letting out a scoff. Y/N linked their arms together as they walked towards Hogsmeade, shooting her best friend a knowing look.

"Please, you love me too much to hurt me," she challenged back with a matter-of-fact tone. Jenna only let out a huff, "Shut up." Y/N's lips turned upwards into a grin as the two made their way towards Hogsmeade, nearing the first few shops of the village. It was now a few days before winter break, meaning Christmas was right around the corner. They would all be staying at 12th Grimmauld Place, especially with everything that had been going on this year. The Order found it safer for the children to stay with them as a precaution, but they didn't seem to mind.

"What gifts do you need to get again," Jenna spoke up, the two now passing a few familiar shops. Y/N looked around at the many stores, crowds of people inside doing their holiday shopping. "Just Mione's. I have everyone else's." Jenna turned to her as she squinted her eyes at the girl. "So you've gotten my gift already," she hummed out, Y/N nodding. "What'd you get me," she asked nonchalantly, Y/N letting out a snicker. "You'll have to find out on Christmas."

Jenna pouted as she looked at her best friend. "I don't even get a hint?" Y/N shook her head as she said 'nope' popping the p sound. The girl let out a grumble as she kept the pout on her lips. "You're no fun." Y/N snickered once more as she pressed a kiss to Jenna's cheek, the girl's cheeks slightly rosy from the harsh weather. They passed Honeyduke's, a group of children in the front window being seen as they started to pick out an assortment of different Cauldron Cakes.

"You've gotten all of your gifts, right", Y/N asked the girl, Jenna nodding her head. "I went shopping with Bri and Sof last week. Sort of like a group shopping spree." Y/N shot her a slightly offended look. "And you didn't even invite me," she tsked out with a playful glare, Jenna nudging her side with a sarcastic laugh as their arms stayed linked. "Whatever, drama queen. Where are you getting Mione's gift from anyway?"

"The jewelry shop," Y/N replied, the two now approaching the store Y/N was talking about. They walked towards the wooden door, Jenna opening it as they filed into the shop, their eyes catching the sight of their surroundings. There were several showcases full of bracelets, necklaces, and any type of jewelry you could think of. The store was sort of dimly lit, the bling of the precious jewels being minimum from the light reflection.

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