chapter 37

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Y/N stood next to Ron, the twins, and Ginny as they watched Harry and Dumbledore speak. Ron's hand was tightly gripping Y/N's, the girl knowing that her best friend was nervous. The twins were trying to seem unbothered, but she could tell they were hurting. Ginny sat in front of them on a chair with an exhausted, sad look, her eyes glued to Harry.

Harry had a dream about Arthur Weasley, their father. He didn't tell his cousin too much about it when she got to the headmaster's office, just that he was hurt and in danger. McGonagall had escorted Harry to the office with Ron, the rest of the Weasleys being taken from their dorm rooms.

Harry stood in the middle of the office as Y/N, the Weasley children, and McgGonagall all watched, Dumbledore seeming to be in thought as he stood a few feet from the boy, his back turned. The room was eerily quiet, the only sound being the crackling of the fire. Y/N placed her free hand that wasn't holding Ron's on Ginny's shoulder, the redhead girl quick to place a hand on top of it as she took in a shaky breath.

"In the dream, we're you standing next to the victim, or looking down at the scene," Dumbledore spoke, breaking the silence. Harry pondered for a moment. "Neither, I-It was sort of like...Professor, will you please just tell me what's happening?"

Dumbledore didn't respond as he started to move towards the paintings on the wall, instructing them to alert the Order of Arthur's disappearance and that he was in trouble. Harry looked confused, scared as he watched the headmaster, Y/N catching on to how disoriented he was. A painting spoke up.

"They've got him, Albus. It was close, but he'll make it," the portrait spoke, Y/N feeling Ron and Ginny grip her hand tightly in their holds. "What's more, the Dark Lord failed to acquire it." Dumbledore let out a sigh. "Thank goodness-"

Harry seemed to tick his neck to the side like there was an itch, Y/N watching her cousin curiously as an enraged expression took over his face. "Look at me," he yelled to the older wizard, the room falling silent. Y/N's eyes widened as she looked between the raven-haired boy and the headmaster. Dumbledore turned slightly shocked by the outburst. "What's happening to me," Harry asked softly, his voice laced with concern.

No one answered, only keeping their eyes on the scared boy in front of them. The sound of footsteps behind them made them all turn, Snape making his way into the room. "You wished to see me," he asked Dumbledore, the man giving him a slow nod. "Yes, I did. I'm afraid we can't wait-not even till the morning! Otherwise, we'll be vulnerable."

Snape only looked at the man before his eyes flickered down to Harry, then going to Y/N, the girl looking unfazed, but a small sparkle of curiosity sparked in her eyes. He let out a small sigh as he pointed to Harry, then back to Y/N. "You two, with me. Now."

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