chapter 42

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The Great Hall was booming with chatter. It was a bit peculiar to Y/N, she had never seen it so crowded, so loud. She had walked into breakfast with her friends, but soon regretted coming when all eyes fell to her as soon as she stepped foot into the room. She didn't know what was going on, and by the looks of it, neither did her friends.

They all carefully and curiously walked towards the Ravenclaw table, eyes following them as whispers were heard. Y/N shot everyone confused glances before turning to Karan. "Did we do something," she asked, the boy shrugging. He looked just as confused as her, if not more.

The group of friends made their way over to the table as they sat in their seats, all of them just agreeing to enjoy breakfast and figure out what was wrong later. Y/N was starving, so she was more than happy to agree to those terms. The second she sat down, she got to eating. The group seemed hungry today, all of them starting to work on the plates of food in front of them.

Corey, Brett, and Y/N were in the middle of a conversation as they ate, the three trying to make sense of why the Great Hall's atmosphere felt so thick. "We haven't done anything, right," Corey asked the two, both of them nodding. "I feel like we'd remember if we did," Brett muttered out, "At least I think we would." Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy. She took a bite from her food before taking a sip of pumpkin juice from her goblet, a newspaper smacking down on the table in front of her causing her to almost choke on her drink.

She abruptly turned around, the sight of Harry with Ron and Hermione behind him making the girl look at the three quizzically. None of them looked happy, only concerned. Y/N's eyes flickered between the three, about to ask what was wrong when Hermione cut her off.

"Read it. Now."

Y/N's eyes slightly widened at the stern tone of her girlfriend, but it didn't seem reprimanding, more pleading if anything. The Ravenclaw group of friends looked at each other questioningly as Y/N grabbed the paper in front of her, Corey and Brett leaning towards her so they could read the article as well.

Daily Prophet

Massive Breakout at Azkaban Allows High Risk Death Eaters to Escape.

Late last night, what seemed to be in a intricate and organized breakout at Azkaban occurred. Dementors were reported to have been seen fleeing the scene, letting around ten high-security prisoners to escape.

Minister Fudge states he 'strongly' suspects this to be the cause, if not from the orders of, Sirius Black. The notorious man has had personal experience in Azkaban, leading to the question on if he had any part in this. Sirius Black has been known to have family in Azkaban, one of which being Bellatrix Lestrange.

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