
466 31 252

AyyYyyy sorry bout that long's a nice sized chappie for your trouble.

Had some creativity sapped...buT I'm very proud of this chapter and I hope you likeeee

Vote if you enjoyyyy! (Also @JPGamer22 lol voting helps me get a little higher in the search ranks I think...for more readssss. I'm hoping to reach as many people as possible with meh ideassss :D)



          Steve jumped, badly startled when the demons suddenly gasped, swayed, and fell to his knees, shaking. The young soldier stood, frozen, blue eyes fastened on the immortal's bowed head.

          He stayed down for several minutes, then shuddered, scrabbling up, whirling to face Steve, blank eyes wide. The amount of...emotion Steve saw in the other's face was shocking, and his voice, even more so.

          The demon choked out, "We...w-we need to leave this place. Now!"

          Then the other's hand was on his shoulder, and a cyan light consumed him once more.

          Nearly a thousand miles from where they had just been, Notch suddenly sat up straight in his chair, where he had been sitting, pouring over reports from his military encampments. His breathing increased a little, his heart pounding within him. There...for just a few minutes...

          ...He had felt his brother, in his own territory.

          Crushing sadness, guilt and hope poured over him all at once before he caught himself, walling off the onslaught of emotions, steeling his heart against feeling. His brother was his enemy now...he could not afford to care for him...not any longer.

          Notch stood swiftly, his eyes hardening. His brother had not left those signal-warping mountains for months, what was he doing here...

          ...and most importantly, would he return.

          Notch vanished from his room in a golden flash.

          He was going to get answers, and soon.




          Steve yelped when he appeared again in that dark cave they had gone from. The air was once again thick and heavy, the smell of damp stone and earth had him nauseous all over again, and the very air around him felt like a dark weight against his chest, damp and cool. Oh Notch...not this cave again... At least it was better than that evil place...

          Beside him, he heard heavy breaths, felt a strong hand squeezing his shoulder, saw the flare of white eyes so near his face...too near. He flinched away, feeling, strangely, the demon letting go of him, allowing him to stumble back and bump into a harsh stone pillar. Steve's wide, sapphire eyes fixated on the slumped form of the being, his heart pounding in his chest, anticipating some sort of horrible rage and punishment, for what he knew not.

          However, the demon spoke nothing for a few solid minutes. The only sounds were his deep breaths, the slight scraping of his boot on stone as he shifted every now and then. The blazing white eyes before Steve closed, opened, closed again, looking off somewhere behind the soldier...and Steve could just barely make out his trembling hands winding into fists, much to Steve's discomfort.

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